That’s how much additional debt the nation has amassed since the Senate last passed a budget:
If you want a sense of just how massive the nation’s debt problem is, consider this: The U.S. added $226 billion in new debt in just the 35 days since President Obama missed the legal deadline to submit his budget.
That’s more than the government will spend this year on education, homeland security, law enforcement, housing aid, energy and the environment, combined.
A 1921 law requires the president to submit his budget plan to Congress on the first Monday in February, but Obama so far hasn’t produced one, and the White House says it won’t release its plan to get the nation’s deficits and debt under control until sometime in April.
Laws are for the little people. Hey, did I mention that the Senate was controlled by the Democrats that whole time?
The really annoying thing is how many “Conservatives” are still saying things like “The Republicans did it too”, and “W was bad about the Deficit”! Behold what “Porkbusters” and letting the Perfect be the Enemy of the Good has given us……
Umm Bush was also a big spender? Obama also being a big spender doesn’t mean Bush gets off the hook. We have been graced with 16 years of overspending.
If Obama was able to increase the deficit by tenfold without us going bankrupt right now, then W was not overspending. And a particularly silly belief, insofar as we had the 9/11 spike, and then the deficit was going down, down, down until 2006, when “Porkbusters” gave control of Congress to the Democrats……
$5T ~ 830,000,000,000 W of continuous electricity for 50 years.
= 2.2E19 J per year. Which is larger than the US consumption.
Surely this can’t be true or we would have heard the media talk about it during the election.