…and his legal jeopardy:
Chief Lanier is stuck between a rock and a hard place. If she does not charge Mr. Gregory with the felony, she sends a message to the crime-ridden city that the laws don’t apply to the rich and powerful. However, if she books him on breaking the city’s onerous firearms law, it will further illuminate how ridiculous the laws are for law-abiding people to follow.
A real journalist would be challenging the DC authorities to charge him, to point out just how ludicrous and unfair these laws are. But NBC doesn’t have any of those.
When it comes to gun control most lefty “journalists” applaud teh term “zero tolerance”.
Let them applaud it now.
This is rediculous, its not like he was trying to show a congress womans phone system was working properly as wasn’t claimed by said congress woman. We have to have some standards. We are talking about life and death of children here people.
Ridiculous it may be, wodun, but IT IS THE LAW. If any other person besides Gregory broke it, there would be an arrest, trial, and possible felony conviction. As for laws protecting the children – guess what: that school was a “gun-free” zone – BY LAW. Amazing, isn’t it? A person committed a crime (by definition an act “against the law”) by killing the gun’s owner, then carrying firearms into that school and committed another 26 crimes without apparent remorse. Where’s the outrage at the breaking of CT’s stringent firearms laws by the killer? Oh, right. We can no longer hold the killer responsible for the actions he knowingly and willingly took because he killed himself. The single thing that ties the actions of the killer and Gregory together is that both BROKE THE LAW. Sounds to me like you want the law selectively enforced, which is the very definition of a tyranny.
DC PD needs to interview Gregory and other persons on the set at the time and in the Meet the Press production crew. Charge Gregory and others with a crime? I dunno. If Gregory or someone else admits it was a real 30-round magazine and admits knowingly violating the law, book Gregory and any others, and let the normal legal process work. But without a confession by Gregory or someone who procured and gave Gregory a functional 30-round magazine, does the DC PD or DA have direct evidence Gregory possessed within DC a functional, 30-round mag, or a 30-round mag with a 5 or 10 round capacity-limiting plug that could be easily-removed?
Since those dastardly evil 30 round magazines are illegal in DC, where did Gregory (or more likely, his staff) get one? Did they buy it illegally on the street or bring it illegally into DC after buying it elsewhere? Either way, they proved the law is ineffective in addition to being absurd. Criminals – by definition – don’t obey the law.
Larry J,
The DC PD needs to pose those questions and many more to Mr. Gregory, the people on the set when Mr. Gregory held-up the alleged illegal magazine on TV, and the Meet the Press show staff. But what if those people all say the item Mr. Gregory held-up on TV was only a piece of wood or solid plastic, carved and painted to resemble a standard AR-15/M-16 30-round magazine? Without a confession, unless the DC PD finds an illegal magazine at the DC NBC studio and can trace it to Gregory by fingerprints or by where it is found, what direct evidence exists that Gregory possessed an illegal item within the District? I do not know the criminal legal procedures in DC, but perhaps the DC PD or DA should prepare an arrest warrant and let a judge decide if the available videotape provides sufficient evidence (in absence of a confession) to arrest Mr. Gregory. Innocent until proven guilty still needs to apply.
And there’s this:
It’s been more than a week since police in Washington, D.C., opened an investigation into NBC’s David Gregory’s possession of a “high-capacity magazine” that’s prohibited in the District on on national TV. Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier’s spokesman refused Monday to respond to whether Mr. Gregory had even been interviewed yet. This is a rather curious departure for a city that has been ruthless in enforcing this particular firearms statute against law-abiding citizens who made an honest mistake.
In July, The Washington Times highlighted the plight of former Army Spc. Adam Meckler, who was arrested and jailed for having a few long-forgotten rounds of ordinary ammunition — but no gun — in his backpack in Washington. Mr. Meckler, a veteran of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, says he had no idea it was illegal to possess unregistered ammunition in the city. He violated the same section of D.C. law as Mr. Gregory allegedly did, and both offenses carry the same maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and a year in jail.
Mr. Meckler was charged with the crime and was forced to accept a plea deal to avoid the cost and time of a protracted legal fight. The indefensible nature of Mr. Meckler’s case led directly to a new law passed by the D.C. Council in December that allows prosecutors to file civil instead of criminal charges, but only if the accused was unaware of the city’s laws.
Hold Gregory to the same legal standards as ordinary citizens? Why, that’s just crazy talk!
Correction: Strike this from 4th sentence of my 5:56 pm post: “and admits knowingly violating the law,”.