Shock horror! Guilty as charged! Santa Claus smokes! He also breaks and enters, travels without a passport, violates the terms of goodness knows how many countries’ airspace, and doesn’t pay taxes. He is overweight and he has little plan to do much about it. He’s a terrible drunk, at least in Britain and Australia, where he is left sherry; and in Ireland, where he is traditionally provided with beer. He fails on the diversity and equal-protection fronts, too. His name, “Santa Claus,” comes from the Christian tradition, and yet he presumes imperiously to shower gifts on all the world’s children. Well, actually not all of them. Being a dastardly Manichean sort, Santa divides children into “naughty” and “nice” categories and allocates their gifts accordingly. Moreover, his offerings are desperately unequal: Some children get more and nicer gifts than others. In some households, parents do not receive any at all.
Really, he should be locked up.
He’s not exactly a great example of a healthy love life, either. Only comes once a year, and that’s down the chimney. 😉
omg…. .
OT: Looks like Michael Mann has decided to inject some juice into his investment in popcorn futures. I especially like this:
Every investigation—and every replication of Mann’s work—has concluded that his research and conclusions were properly conducted and fairly presented.
I guess if you’re going to jump in, you may as well include as much empty hyperbole as you can.
And let us have pity on the dyslexic diabolists who have sold their souls to Santa!!!
Rare Exports, you need to see it. It all makes sense.