6 thoughts on “A Good Word For Arlen Specter”

  1. Interesting. You have to give him some credit for this.

    I wonder if Pat “Sock It” Toomey is similarly inclined…

  2. I’ve noticed some description of him in the MSM as a GOP “moderate,” which in statist thing is a good thing to be, if you’re not an out-an-out-statist. I was thinking, “How sad, that you’re epitaph would read, ‘He was a moderate'”–meaning, “only moderately pro-freedom.”

  3. …but he was a huge PITA otherwise.
    Just so long as he’s no longer moderating us into the poor house.

  4. Iraq has better voter fraud prevention that we do. It’s a disgrace.

    So Arlen spoke the truth on this issue. I don’t think that’s enough for a halo even if Rom 6:7 says his sins are forgiven.

  5. Losing politicians love to blame voter fraud. Specter was district attorney for two terms — he had ample opportunity to support his suspicions with actual evidence and criminal charges.

    1. Why do we have a system that is so easy to defraud? Why do some oppose simple methods that would eliminate some forms? But most important Jim, why did you vote in all 57 states last election?

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