4 thoughts on “Live In LA?”

  1. I expect the enthusiasm to get rid of a president is at an all time high in this country. It’s just a matter of the distribution of votes.

    …and in CA how many times Micky and Mini vote.

    1. Ken,

      Or if Rand actually votes for Governor Romney and not some third party candidate since the polls show Governor Romney is behind in California so his vote doesn’t matter…

      1. If you believed the polls and lived in California and wanted to damage the Democrat party then it might make sense to vote for the Green Party.

        Even if Romney is a lost cause in CA, though, it might make sense to vote for Romney if you thought he had a chance of winning the electoral but losing the popular vote.

  2. I thought the CARB was trying to suppress such protests by making sure gasoline was too expensive for people to travel.

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