Barack Obama


Now I’m not trying to say that Obama is a segregationist like Orville Faubus or even a cheap race hustler like Sharpton. He is something different and obviously more complex and subtle, but in the final analysis he relies on the same reactionary racial estrangement as the other two.

Indeed, our president is the reverse of what he appears to be, pretending to bring the races together when he profits by driving them apart. In that sense, he is similar to Yasser Arafat, talking one way to the West and another to his Palestinian brothers.

Yes, we all know that almost all politicians engage in such targeted speechmaking, but the lengths to which they go while doing it, the extremity of the differences in what they are saying between audiences, take the measure of the man or woman.

In Barack Obama’s case, it’s pretty extreme. In the Hampton University speech, Obama sounds like a character out of Ralph Ellison’s classic Invisible Man, pandering and preaching divisive nonsense about Hurricane Katrina, which he surely knew wasn’t true.

Or did he? Actually, he seemed to be making a “separate but equal” argument regarding the treatment of Katrina victims and those of other disasters, itself reminiscent of the days of segregation. But I don’t think he was really doing that either, at least not consciously. Again like one of Ellison’s characters, he was convincing himself of his general righteousness while revving up the crowd telling them lies they clearly wanted to hear.

As usual, all this racism talk from the Left is just projection.

[Update a few minutes later]

More racism from the Left:

Yes, that’s how the Associated Press had described the Pennsylvania law: a “tough new law.” So hard to show ID, you know — especially if you’re black, as Democrats have said for years, though no one seems to take offense, which is mind-boggling.

I’d love to ask a white liberal politician someday: “Why do you think you’re more capable of showing ID than a black person?” I mean, does even the Klan say that white people are more capable of showing ID than blacks?

Ass George Bush said, it’s the soft bigotry of low expectations.

7 thoughts on “Barack Obama”

  1. Sure, there were and are racists, but what institution formalized racism in the first place? Religion? Libertarian cabals? The Klan? Or was it government?

  2. The shocking part wasn’t that Obama said Bush’s response to Katrina was racist but that so many Democrats either agree or have no problem with Obama thinking this.

    The stuff about channeling government funds to urban black people was interesting. Seems to support the view that he wants to punish people who moved to the suburbs.

    1. A few years ago, there were surveys showing that some 30% of Democrats believed 9/11 was an inside job and that the World Trade Center was brought down by explosives, not as a result of the planes crashing into them starting massive fires.

      While believing in stupid conspiracy theories is hardly limited to the Left, they do seem to more pretty gullible about them.

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