3 thoughts on “Mom, I Need Birth Control”

  1. WTF? Who came up with this gag?

    (searches Internet)

    WTFingFityF??? The Obama campaign?????? Not The Onion or Ann Coulter????????? People are REALLY that dense?????????????? Are there people who REALLY believe that birth control costs for fewer than four decades would run a five-figure tab????????????????? Yikes.

    1. Alan, they probably priced some expensive new system from a major drug company. You know, the people who probably not only will profit handsomely from customers who have no interest in the actual cost of “free” birth control, but also who bribed to get that regulation created in the first place.

      I do hope it’ll get more people to wonder who the true customers are, if the Obama administration is so eager to shill for some drug company.

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