57 thoughts on “Storming Embassies, Killing Diplomats”

    1. Well the first thing we need to do is excoriate the American Coptic Christian community and make an example of them, because we shouldn’t tolerate their intolerance any more than the Muslim Brotherhood does.

      Then we need to reassure Egypt that we won’t let them fall back under the control of their military, which is far too conservative, and point out that in modern countries like ours the military is just a tool that radicals use to advance their anti-Zionist agendas, so their military needs to focus on Coptic instigators who are obviously Israeli puppets threatening Middle-East peace.

      In Libya, we still don’t know whether the ambassador was targeted or whether he and his staffers were merely the unfortunate and accidental victims of poor people who were robbing our consulate to try and feed their families due to the collapse of Libyan progressive socialism. It would be wrong to condemn them until we have all the facts, and especially until we determine what role racism may have played, given that our ambassador was white and raised in a typical white American household.

    2. Told you so. When I heard they were trying to remove Gaddafi from Libya I knew this would happen. The anti-Gaddafi insurgents of the “popular” coup were mostly foreign operatives from Al-Qaeda which entered Libya from Algeria. I still remember the newscasts with insurgents wielding H&K G36 rifles (sold only to NATO aligned countries), the black Al-Qaeda flag being hoisted up in government buildings, and the aerial bombardment of Gaddafi’s convoy as he was trying to escape into Egypt.

      The French started it and then the US jumped on board. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

      The same thing is happening in Syria right now. Israel will wish they were still dealing with Assad once they have, what I suspect, will be Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey in war against them.

        1. “Oh yeah, nearly forgot. Hopefully this isn’t Iran-Contras redux.”

          In what sense? Arms for hostages, or secretly funded shadow war?

  1. The non-leftist blogosphere and news outlets should adopt two uniform policies. First, when quoting a story by the MSM, refer to the organization as “the state-controlled [supply name],” as Rush does. Second, when quoting a specific member of the MSM, identify him/her as “Obama campaign spokesperson [supply name].”

    Just for the sake of improved accuracy.

  2. Let’s see. Someone takes a Movie trailer out for months in English and redoes it in Arab before posting it on youtube. Then the mob which gathers at the Consultant just happens to have RP-Grenades to launch in an organized attack at it and kill the U.S Ambassador. And it all happens on 9/11. It makes me wonder if there isn’t some terror group behind this. It will be interesting to see what the intelligence agencies come up with.

    But meanwhile, go ahead, rush to judgement before all the facts are out. But if a terrorist group is behind trying to widen the split in the U.S. electorate you are just playing into their hands…

    1. But if a terrorist group is behind trying to widen the split in the U.S. electorate you are just playing into their hands…

      Trust me, the split in the U.S. electorate can’t get any wider without escalating into open bloodshed.

      I don’t need a “terrorist group” to make me hate leftists more than I already do. TWANLOC.

    2. More likely trying to drive a wedge between Egypt, Libya, and the USA but I am not certain they needed this attack because the future actions of those governments would likely take care of that.

    1. Using them as evidence against President Obama’s policies before determining what the story is behind them. In short, instead of closing ranks as in the past when America was attacked you use it to advance partisan political goals.

      As aside, there are reports coming out of Europe al Qaeda may be involved. It would fit their pattern IF it turns out to be the case and they have gone against diplomatic targets before with the 1998 African attacks being the most visible.


      Al-Qaeda behind Libya US embassy killing – Poland
      On September 12, 2012 · In News
      4:11 pm

      As I said, let’s see who is behind it before charging off and using it to gain political points.

      1. Using them as evidence against President Obama’s policies

        No. That’s not it. It’s about him going on fund raisers in Nevada without taking time to address an act of war on America because it’s just a bother.

        We don’t need this to know his policies weaken America. But now that you mention it; what is it that emboldens these pissants to attack our embassies and kill our people? Could it have anything to do with policies?

        1. Rand,

          Yea, I guess as a blogger you see no problem making fun of folks and laughing at their beliefs even when it puts the lives of Americans in danger…

          1. As a blogger and an American, I believe in the First Amendment to the Constitution, and American values. I’m sorry that neither you nor the administration thinks that they’re worth defending.

          2. Rand,

            So much for the American values of tolerance for all and malice towards none. I guess you feel its OK to yell fire in a crowded theater.

            But you know what is really interesting Rand, there is evidence the director of the movie used a false name and identify and it appears he even deceived the actors in it into thinking it was something else they were filming.

            It makes you wonder, was it a set-up by whoever planned the attack? Was it only purpose to create a climate to make such attacks feasible?


            Sam Bacile Mystery: All We Know Is That His Film Exists
            Posted: 09/12/2012 2:45 pm Updated: 09/12/2012 7:03 pm



            ‘It Makes Me Sick’: Actress in Muhammed Movie Says She Was Deceived, Had No Idea It Was About Islam

            [[[“It was going to be a film based on how things were 2,000 years ago,” Garcia said. “It wasn’t based on anything to do with religion, it was just on how things were run in Egypt. There wasn’t anything about Muhammed or Muslims or anything.”]]]

          3. Buy the magazine Matula, or the dog gets it. And damn you if you don’t, because you killed the dog. Shame on you, Matula for putting the dog at risk.

          4. Romney gave a good speech this morning and aswered the coordinated attack from the Obama campaign questions well.

            Tolerance means letting people make insulting movies we disagree with.

            The media didn’t get to ask Obama any questions and I haven’t seen the media going after Obama for his administrations conflicting statements or going to bed before he knew what the status was of our embasy staff.

            But they did go after Romney for daring to respond to the Obama administrations comments.

          5. As Commander in Chief President Obama needs to play his cards close to his vest. Especially if military action will be involved to get the killers. As a mere candidate Governor Romney is free to shoot off his mouth as he wishes as all he is able to do is wave his hands and Monday morning quarterback about it.

          6. So much for the American values of tolerance for all and malice towards none. I guess you feel its OK to yell fire in a crowded theater.

            American values are freedom of speech. If criticizing a religion is “yelling fire in a crowded theater,” then that theater in the Middle East is pretty damn crowded. American values are that the solution to bad speech is more speech. I guess that you, like the PC fools in the Cairo embassy, prefer that we impose sharia here instead.

          7. Rand,

            You seem to miss the point that rights come with responsibility.

            You have the right to say what you want as long as you accept responsibility for the consequences. You don’t want to accept the responsibility, typical of Libertarians which is why Ayn Rand despised them so.

            In terms of the Embassy they just made the point that attacking the religious beliefs of others is not an American value. Do you think it is? Do you think it reflected American values to drive Governor Romney’s family from American because of their religious beliefs?

            You know it is easy for you to criticize those in harm’s way from your easy chair in the USA and word smith their statement. But would you be willing to take their place?

            You claim to be an atheist, something it is safe to do from your easy chair in USAprotected by those risky their lives serving America overseas. But if you believe so strongly in your atheism why not move to Egypt and enlighten those poor folks? I am sure you could get a job there as public information officer with your vast knowledge of American values and help enlighten them… Then maybe you would be qualified to second guess those serving America in the Foreign Service.

          8. In terms of the Embassy they just made the point that attacking the religious beliefs of others is not an American value. Do you think it is?

            No, I don’t think it is an American value. What a pointless question.

            The American value is the right to do so. Why are you so obtuse?

            You claim to be an atheist, something it is safe to do from your easy chair in USAprotected by those risky their lives serving America overseas. But if you believe so strongly in your atheism why not move to Egypt and enlighten those poor folks?

            Because a) I would never deign to try to dissuade anyone else from their religious beliefs — I am tolerant of them as long as they don’t think that I should die for differing from them and b) unlike you, I am not stupid.

          9. “You have the right to say what you want as long as you accept responsibility for the consequences.”

            Except that in the case of militant Islamists, everything is an outrage. If you want to put limits on free speech, then you also have to have some limits on being outraged to the point of murder.

            I might agree that if I was to walk up and say to a person that they f their mom even though they are dead that that person deserves a punch in the face but if you walk up to a person and say I think your way of life is based on a fairy tale and they react as if you just said they f’d their mom even though they are dead, then I wouldn’t agree that was the appropriate response.

            “You claim to be an atheist, something it is safe to do from your easy chair in USAprotected by those risky their lives serving America overseas. But if you believe so strongly in your atheism why not move to Egypt and enlighten those poor folks?”

            Our diplomats are paid well to promote American values not kowtow. It is a dangerous job and they know that. It is especially dangerous when we have a president that wont stand up for them by providing the proper security.

          10. Wodun, Rand,

            You know I wonder if either you even read the press release. Here is the text.

            [[[“The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”]]]

            Let’s see. They condemn the movie as being in poor taste. Also they call it an abuse of the right, Not Illegal, Nor is there any true apology, its merely stating its not in line with the views of the U.S. government of the Muslim religion nor traditional American values. Or do you think the Movie is?

    1. And what is new about this? Professional Journalists often work together, like bloggers do, to get a story… The problem is Governor Romney spoke before he knew what was going on and that is a story since it illustrates how he might handle a foreign policy crisis, something he has zero track record on.


      [[[Romney’s assault on Obama was rare among Republicans. Sarah Palin and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus joined him in condemning the president, but no other significant GOP leader thought it prudent to immediately single out the president for criticism. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) all put out statements on the crisis, none attacking Obama. ]]]


      Foreign Policy Hands Voice Disbelief At Romney Cairo Statement
      “Bungle… utter disaster…not ready for prime time… not presidential… Lehman moment.” And that’s just the Republicans.

      Yes those are fellow Republicans, ones with experience in foreign policy issues, not the MSM pundits making those statements.

      1. I’d suggest a more measured response, perhaps the W80, dialed all the way up to 150 kt, via BGM-109 Tomahawk.

        The E61 anthrax bomblet would be even better — it leaves the plumbing intact while getting rid of the pesky vermin. Alas, despite the touch of poetic justice, we eliminated anthrax from our weapons stockpile years ago.

        In any case, the infestation has to be eliminated. The only question is how many of us are we willing to see killed by these poisonous vermin before we man up and do the obvious thing.

        1. Let’s see. Genocide against a group based on their religious beliefs. Now who was it that advocated that before? Oh yeah, it was that strange little man with a funny mustache who always talked about the Final Solution…

          1. Sir,

            Perhaps I missed the part in Judaism/Jewish thought where they advocate CONVERSION BY THE SWORD or DEATH FOR UNBELIEVERS in a modern context?

            I would wait for your reply, but I know you will just either ignore what you find inconvenient or quote something from the cesspool known as HuffPo.

            That and I have to go to work.

          2. Oh no, someone compared me to Hitler, thus automatically invalidating everything I had to say! Boo hoo hoo, whatever shall I do?

            I’m not advocating genocide, sir. I’m advocating pest extermination. I’m adviocating the eradication of a plague virus that will exterminate us if it isn’t destroyed. I’m advocating the end of the threat of history’s most virulent and deadly strain of human smallpox.

            It’s Them or Us. I choose Us. If that makes me a Nazi, well, Deutschland über alles.

          3. GClark,

            Yes, punish 2 billion folks for the actions of a few. You know its folks like you and B Lewis they wanted to stir up to create a fight and it looks like the terrorists succeed since you are responding just like a puppet on a string to their attack. I guess they know what makes folks like you tick.

          4. B Lewis,

            If the shoe fits, but would make Der Fuhrer proud with your respond 🙂

            You know BTW he used a similar stunt to pick a war with Poland and his nation fell for it. It is sure is comforting to know a lot of folks are still as gullible 🙁

          5. Not to defend Bruce’s comments, but actually, Hitler killed the Jews because he considered them to be racially inferior, not because of their religion per se. Sorry to wreck your Godwinesque analogy.

          6. Rand,

            You haven’t studied much on World War II have you?

            Hitler hated the Jewish people because they “didn’t” believe in good “German values” and didn’t respect “German culture”. As for them being inferior, if you recall all none Aryans were inferior. But he had a special hatred of the Jewish people because they were “different”.

      2. Professional Journalists often work together, like bloggers do, to get a story

        Pure spin Thomas. This isn’t about ‘getting a story’ this is about creating the story. Do you not know the difference?

      3. Go read the quotes and listen to the video. This went far beyond ensuring a politician didn’t dodge a question. They were planning how to attack him if he did answer the question.

        Meanwhile, President empty chair, didn’t answer any questions and won’t be subject to this level of coordinated attack from CBS and NPR when he eventually does talk to the media.

  3. Well, I’ll toss in this rather heartwarming article (though the liberal commenters are irritating) on all the pro-American protests in Libya, with signs saying “Chris Stevens was a friend to all Libyans” “Christopher Stevens, RIP”, “Thugs and Killers don’t represent Benghazi nor Islam” and “We Are Sorry.”

    Atlantic Wire

    Given that this attack looks more like an assassination/terrorist attack, and that regular citizens got the ambassador to the hospital, it implies the attackers didn’t have that much of a presence on the ground. They could’ve been ex-Libyan security forces avenging the Colonel over Hillary’s remarks, or they could’ve been Al-Qaeda members who were flocking into Libya during the rebellion, when Obama wouldn’t put forces on the ground or try and control the looting of Kadaffi’s weapons depots.

      1. Overlook in this series of posts is that President Obama has sent in drones and a special team of U.S. Marines who specialize in fighting terrorists.


        Also it appears now there were two separate attacks with the second one on a “safe” house they evacuated to. More and more its looking like a well planned operation and I would not be surprised if the movie was part of it.

    1. George,

      I doubt that ex-Libyan security forces could have coordinated it well, especially as it appears the movie was also a plant. And given terrorists ability to infiltrate its difficult to imagine a ground presence months ago would have had any impact on the current attack.

    13 SEPT 2012 0900 [1600Z]


    Attention, people of Libya. Attention people of Libya.

    In response to the attack on our embassy in Benghazi and the murder of its personnel by citizens of your country on 11 September, the military forces of the United States of Americs will destroy that city. We repeat: the city ofBenghazi will be destroyed. In our mercy, we give the people of the city 72 hours in which to evacuate and escape certain death. The destruction of Benghazi
    will take place 72 hours from now, at 0900 Benghazi time, on 17 September 2012. Anyone in on near the city of Benghazi at that time will die. This will be your only warning. This announcement will be repeated in one hour, and every hour thereafter until the city is destroyed.

    We repeat: In response to the attack on our embassy in Benghazi and the murder of its personnel by citizens of your country on 11 September, the military forces of the United States of America will destroy that city. The city of Benghazi will be destroyed. In our mercy, we give the people of the city 72 hours in which to evacuate and escape certain death. The destruction of Benghazi will take place 72 hours from now, at 0900 Benghazi time, on 17 September 2012. Anyone in on near the city of Benghazi at that time will die. This will be your only warning. This announcement will be repeated in one hour, and every hour thereafter until the city is destroyed.

    The destruction of Benghazi is both a punishment and a warning. All those hearing this message should consider well the consequences of any attack upon the citizens, nationals, property, facilities, or forces of the United States of America.

    This message is concluded.


    1. B Lewis,



      Libyan Peace Rally Slams Terrorism, Offers Apology For Consulate Attack

      Posted: 09/13/2012 3:30 pm Updated: 09/13/2012 4:00 pm

      This is the real problem with the right, they’re simplistic view of the world, which makes it so easy for terrorists like those who staged this attack to pull their strings.

      1. That the Libyan government and some of the citizens are speaking out about this is more encouraging than the way the Egyptians are handling the situation. But let’s also not forget that there were Libyan security forces complicit in the attack.

        Is the new government strong enough to fight of the militant Islamists? As with much of the Arab Spring, only time will tell and in the interim we get to deal with the fallout.

  5. My guess on the Libya embassy attack, is that it was either a remaining group of Qaddafi, Khadafy, qaddafiee, Kaddafee, minions staging a revenge attack, or a bunch of Al-Qaeda goons. Order hasn’t been restored yet in Libya since Qaddafi, Khadafy, qaddafiee, Kaddafee’s fall.

    As for Egypt, I think President Obama said to some extent that Egypt is now hostile. I’m not sure he said it though.

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