
How it became a “liberal” value. Of course, these people were never true liberals.

[Update a few minutes later]

Lessons from the FRC shooting. I think that the SPLC is much more a hate group than the FRC, but that doesn’t justify anyone shooting them up.

[Update a while later]

SPLC, inciting hate and violence. Morris Dees doesn’t care about poverty, or the law. He’s just a money-grubbing scumbag.

5 thoughts on “Hatred”

  1. It sure is silence on that leftwing nutjob shooting-up the Family Research Council, yeah? I mean, you can hear a pin drop. Where are the usual suspects making obligatory calls for “gun control”? Taking a nap?

  2. Wait a minute. The FRC shooting took place in Washington DC — gun control Capitol of the world? How is that even possible?

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