2 thoughts on “Government Motors”

  1. From this article about the possibility of the Obama administration forcing the firing of Republican-donating dealerships:

    And guess what? According to Reuters, Garman found that spreads for unionized companies were 11 percent higher in February than those without collective bargaining agreements, and the gap has remained, measuring at nine points this month.

    I wonder if we’re seeing a corruption of QE here.

  2. As an aside, I think it is remarkable that I have yet to find a US car that I would buy. I’m a small car guy. It’s been 40 years since the US produced a car that could compete in that area on quality and fuel economy.

    I know that my particular niche isn’t the most popular, but I find it remarkable that none of the three auto makers have figured something out after all this time. They’re still stuck in the good old days. And with two of the three taking blood money from the federal government, the only one left for me to consider is Ford.

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