They made the movie ‘death takes a holiday.’ Apparently it was a documentary in Italy.
I wonder what the penalties are?
They give you Life.
Winner. Titus, you never fail to crack me up.
This is an example of why the straight man get’s paid more. Good job.
It only follows, if you look at the Italian demographics, they’ve already nearly outlawed birth.
Titus, you are awesome. In the classical sense of being immensely powerful and scary.
When death is outlawed, only outlaws will die.
Did you steal that line from Chuck Norris?
Not that I know of.
Did he say it? If so, great minds…or…something…
If he didn’t, he should have.
… now it’s just Taxes. Hum.
They’ll take my death when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.
This is from Italy? Did Signore Mayor check with the Vatican? I’m pretty sure they’re pushing that ‘afterlife’ issue from the Pope on down, in the Catholic Church.
They made the movie ‘death takes a holiday.’ Apparently it was a documentary in Italy.
I wonder what the penalties are?
They give you Life.
Winner. Titus, you never fail to crack me up.
This is an example of why the straight man get’s paid more. Good job.
It only follows, if you look at the Italian demographics, they’ve already nearly outlawed birth.
Titus, you are awesome. In the classical sense of being immensely powerful and scary.
When death is outlawed, only outlaws will die.
Did you steal that line from Chuck Norris?
Not that I know of.
Did he say it? If so, great minds…or…something…
If he didn’t, he should have.
… now it’s just Taxes. Hum.
They’ll take my death when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.
This is from Italy? Did Signore Mayor check with the Vatican? I’m pretty sure they’re pushing that ‘afterlife’ issue from the Pope on down, in the Catholic Church.