3 thoughts on “Obama’s Amazing Energy Spin Machine”

  1. In his usual amusing manner, Delingpole:
    addresses the entire ball of silliness.


    “So what you’re saying, Jonathan [pro-renewables campaigner Jonathan Pyke], is that the ONLY reason we’re carpeting some of the world’s most attractive wild countryside in horribly costly, economically inefficient, bird-liquidising, noise-polluting, view-blighting, rare-earth-metal-exploiting, property-debasing, horse-frightening, rent-seekers’ uber-horrors, is to save the odd tonne of CO2 emissions, as and when, despite the fact that the science increasingly suggests that the difference this will make to global climate will be so negligible as to be beyond measurement?”

  2. Now, if they could connect their spin machine to a generator, they might actually be able to produce a useable about of energy. That, or feed their hot air into a MHD system.

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