Nineties Nostalgia

Congressional Democrats are gearing up to cover for the lying and corruption of an administration official:

Last night, Cummings released a 95 page waste of paper and taxpayer money report, alleging that top Justice Department officials did not authorize the program, despite evidence showing otherwise. The report tries to pin the blame back on a few “rogue” managers in the ATF Phoenix Field Division. This is the same argument we’ve heard since the beginning of the scandal: it was a local operation, nobody important knew anything.

It worked pretty well in the Clinton administration, since the media aided and abetted them. They’ll try again this time, but I think that it may be a little tougher, with the new media watching.

5 thoughts on “Nineties Nostalgia”

  1. They may not have ‘authorized’ it, but a bunch of them knew it was going on, and on, and on. FOX had the names and faces of some of Holder’s clowns on the news this AM.

    It looks like, from that report, there’s an e-mail trail that a blind, lame, corpse could follow, showing that a number of DOJ types in D.C. and AZ communicated before, during and after F & F. I’ve sent plenty of e-mails, but I’ve never sent one concerning something I didn’t know about, didn’t talk about or didn’t get neat.

    I just hope someone hires a good Republican blind, lame, corpse. investigator to hang them all.

    Way. Up. High.

  2. As I said a long time ago, Holder and Obama could have jointly shot Brian Terry on the Capitol steps, during a press conference, and nothing would ever, ever come of it…

  3. “The report tries to pin the blame back on a few “rogue” managers in the ATF Phoenix Field Division.”

    Does the blame shifting report name names? I bet not.

    One consistent thread that has run through this scandal is the scramble to evade responsibility by the ATF and DOJ people involved. Gun walking? I didn’t do it! I didn’t even know! Misleading Congress? I didn’t do it. I didn’t even know!

    But somebody gave approval. Somebody knew. And this game the government is playing of blaming unnamed people, some mysterious Mr. X, can’t last much longer.

    I am reminded of the old repeated joke from the Family Circus comic, where the Parents ask the obviously guilty children who did the mischief and the children reply “not me!”

  4. If they delay beyond the election and Obama loses, nothing will happen. Republicans should turn this into a campaign issue, though. Getting Obama out of office is more important than sending him to jail.

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