Thoughts from Nick Gillespie, Michelle Malkin, Wretchard, Rob Long, Lileks, Peter Robinson, Melissa Clouthier, John Podhoretz, James Fenton, Joy McCann, Jason Cowley, Doug Wilson, Simon Jenkins, and last but by no means least, his brother Peter.
I first recall being impressed with him in the nineties, in his fearless willingness to take on the lies of the Clintons. He was devastating, to anyone who paid attention.
[Update a while later]
The Atlantic remembers Hitchens, as does Michael Totten.
[Update late morning]
Here’s another from Pete Wehner.
[Almost noon]
And Ron Radosh weighs in.
[Early afternoon update]
David Corn: sharing an office with Hitch.
Here’s Jonah.
The Onion made me smile.
Here’s a link to Neo-Neocon’s post, which also includes my comment.
Here’s to Christopher Hitchens. At my local bar on Friday I ordered Hitch’s favorite drink (Johnny Walker Black; soda, no ice) — which everyone thought was rather strange, since I usually just drink beer (and hard liquor, if it gets ordered at all, only comes later at night when we’ve already given all hope of being responsible) and made a point I was ordering it in his memory. Unfortunately the bartenders and the people sitting next to us didn’t know who I was referring to :-(.
I thought his brother’s thoughts were particularly touching (as it doesn’t take much to know — and Peter Hitchens pointed out — they hadn’t gotten along for quite a while).
The world loses another great thinker. We need more people in this world with the unique capacity for not only taking a stand (we have plenty of people who do that) but can provide you with a self-consistent and logical argument as to why that stand is correct. And by this I mean not a position-piece but a true argument, which means reasoning which takes into consideration counter-facts or ideas.
I find all this discussion about Hitchens views on God and religion a bit of a distraction. That is surely one aspect of the man, but as with any subject he chose to write about, it was the process that guided him to these arguments more so than the final positions themselves that truly defined this man. He will be missed.