The Problem with the Climate Data


I note that over at RealClimate they are desperately trying to spin this as two-year-old turkey. However, it’s not just my case that has new information. Regarding a host of other issues, the recent emails contain much previously unrevealed evidence of the perfidy, subversion, misdirection, and malfeasance practiced by the Climategate un-indicted co-conspirators. Among many other things, they provide clear evidence of the destruction of incriminating emails. This was not just “boys will be boys”. This was the leading lights of the AGW supporting scientists, working together to deny access to publicly funded climate data, and twisting, bending and breaking the scientific norms, FOI regulations, and possibly the law in the process. And that’s just what they did in my case, that doesn’t even begin to touch their other misdeeds that they discuss in detail.

The discouraging part is that, to this day, not a person among them has admitted that they did anything incorrect in the slightest. Not one has acknowledged that they went a ways, not just a little ways, but a long ways over the line of ethics, morality, and honesty. No one has said they did a single thing wrong, no one has admitted they evaded an honest FOI request. Silence.

And silence, unfortunately, has also been the overwhelming response of the climate science community to their misdeeds. The miscreants say nothing, their supporters say nothing, they keep awarding each other honors and prizes, and they hope it will go away.

And as he notes, it’s not going to go away. It’s only going to get worse as more and more comes to light over time. Whoever is leaking this know what they’re doing, and knows the whole story.

[Update later afternoon]

Inappropriate conduct by the National Research Council? I wish I were capable of being shocked.

16 thoughts on “The Problem with the Climate Data”

  1. Haimberger:

    It is interesting to see the lower tropospheric warming minimum in the tropics in all three plots, which I cannot explain. I believe it is spurious but it is remarkably robust against my adjustment efforts.

    Facts are stubborn things…

  2. It’s not going to make any difference. All the remaining warmenists are either (1) delusional to the point of ignoring facts, (2) riding the gravy train, or (3) ideologically committed. One thing this has data has changed for me is that it I thought the UEA people were class 2, but it seems that they were really more 3. At least some of them seem utterly convinced of AGW and will do what it takes to dig the pony out of the manure pile. What convinced them of that, given how much they have to dig to find the evidence they want, is a good question.

    1. All the remaining warmenists are either (1) delusional to the point of ignoring facts, (2) riding the gravy train, or (3) ideologically committed.

      I don’t think your options 1, 2 and 3 are in any way mutually exclusive. I’d say that quite a few of them are delusional to the point of ignoring facts as they ride the gravy train with their ideologically committed counterparts.

  3. And there’s still the massive 7zip AES-256 encrypted archive that certainly contains even more damning e-mails. I’m tempted to run a RARCrack dictionary attack at it, but I’d have to switch to Linux.

    I’m sure their are many file duplications between the unencrypted and encrypted archives, which on an early version of WinZIP would open up a plaintext attack, but AES is highly resistant to those.

    In just a short while climate “science” has taken science from open and freely shared information to “Try cracking a 256 bit encryption scheme, heretics!”

      1. Bradley Manning gave away classified military information that he was sworn to protect. For what crime should the “Climategate hacker” (we don’t know that the data was “hacked”) be in jail?

      2. Wikileaks made the USA look pretty good. It opened the eyes to a lot of leftists that our country isn’t as bad as they think it is, especially in comparison to other governments.

        Climategate e-mails have had the exact opposite effect.

  4. “And there’s still the massive 7zip AES-256 encrypted archive that certainly contains even more damning e-mails. I’m tempted to run a RARCrack dictionary attack at it…”

    No need. I’ve found the key. It’s: 1 2 3 4 5

    (Remind me to change the combination on my luggage.)

    1. clearly irked by not having got a couple of proposals recently !


      I am irked that as public-financed scientists, you have not planned for adequate popcorn.

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