Are Most Women Bisexual?

Wouldn’t shock me.

I think another factor is that while men tend to compete on power and money, rather than looks, women primarily compete on appearance, so they have to be more naturally attuned to what makes women attractive. But I think that a lot of men are bis3xual, too. Anyone who really believes that sexuality is a “choice” has to be, logically, and it would explain the behavior of a lot of sailors and prisoners. But the only way I’d do it with a guy would be if I were raped.

35 thoughts on “Are Most Women Bisexual?”

  1. We are what we are and we choose what we choose. Beyond that it becomes silly. People are all different. Woman are different from men. Viva la difference.

    These differences are interesting. That’s a good thing. We’re all going to have different personal reactions. We should also not be forced to have differences shoved in our faces abusively.

    We’re all ignorant, that’s just reality. Have a sense of humor about it …and show some respect for the difficulties of being human.

    Titus, you’re just too damned funny. ;p

    1. Because they’re more jealous and materialistic than bi. Note that females can be very friendly and sociable to one another when there’s nothing at stake, but make them compete, and it’s a cat fight — and it’s to the death; they don’t make-up, they move on. That is the why of it — a girl in a threesome is either supremely confident or stupid. Also, there’s no getting around the three-body problem.

      1. ” three-body problem”

        Use protection if your threesome is unstable, and that’s why they call it a Trojan point.

        1. Even if one of the bodies isn’t ejected prematurely, there will be tidal locking between closest two, at which point they’ll inevitably drift apart, leaving the dominant one to turn red, explode and destroy them all some day…

          1. I don’t have a funny sex analogy for you in reply, but I do have this:

            From his doctoral thesis, Dr. Breeden remembered that in a chaotic gravitational dance, stars are sometimes ejected at high speeds. The same effect, he believes, could propel starships.

            First, find an asteroid in an elliptical orbit that passes close to the Sun. Second, put a starship in orbit around the asteroid. If the asteroid could be captured into a new orbit that clings close to the Sun, the starship would be flung on an interstellar trajectory, perhaps up to a tenth of the speed of light.

            “The chaotic dynamics of those two allow all the energy of one to be transferred to the other,” said Dr. Breeden, who came toting copies of a paper describing the technique. “It’s a unique type of gravity assist.”


          2. Second, put a starship in orbit around the asteroid. If the asteroid could be captured into a new orbit that clings close to the Sun

            …the ship would convert to kinetic not only its own potential energy, but that of the asteroid as well. Clever.

      2. but make them compete, and it’s a cat fight — and it’s to the death

        That sounds like a typical dog fight.

    2. During my college years, I briefly had a two-chicks-at-once lifestyle. (Note: I’m not particularly proud of the person I was then.) At first they didn’t mind, er, taking turns on the same night, but after a month or so Girl A decided she needed a whole night each time. We went to alternating days at that point. Girl B was OK with this, but no more than a few days passed before Girl A told me in no uncertain terms that every night was “her” night from then on. When I pointed out the terms under which we three had agreed to, um, operate, she lost her marbles. I’ve been in a fight or two, but the violence level she attempted to put out was, frankly, shocking. If a gun had been present I have no doubt she would have shot me. Anyway, I escaped injury, and we three parted ways soon thereafter.

      [NB: I have been happily and chastely married (to a woman not involved in these sordid doings) for nineteen years.]

      LESSON LEARNED: Girls don’t mind sharing a guy in theory, but in practice it doesn’t work. A woman’s pride will not suffer any competition, and if that pride is wounded the typical woman will start smashing things (and people) like a two year old child having a tantrum. As appealing as “two chicks” sounds, fellas, don’t risk it.

      1. As one of my professors stated way back when: “The reason we have theories (in this case, that girls will share guys) is because not everything is a fact”.

        Truer words, etc…

  2. can it be both? Genetics, upbringing and social norms shape one’s sexuality and an individual decides who they want to be with within that predetermination.

    I remember in high school being attracted to a number of girls with low social standing.. after receiving criticism from my peers I made a choice to only go after girls of similar social standing. In retrospect, that choice led to a inordinate number of wasted opportunities and regret.

    Clearly, there is choice involved in sexuality, but I believe Rand’s argument is that the options from which one has to choose are, by definition, not a choice.

  3. No, no, for f**k’s sakes, no, “most” women are not “bisexual.” When will you guys drop this fantasy? Just because in Western culture women do more hugging and kissing doesn’t mean they actually want to tear each others’ clothes off and go at it.

    However, I am pretty sure that all men are gay. That’s why they’re so uptight about being looked at by other men, being seen showing too much affection to their guy friends, etc. Because of the repressed homosexual urges. (Boom tish.)

    1. Following Rand’s link to the article and the article that article links to, here are the people cited:

      Psychology professor Elizabeth Morgan.
      Lisa Diamond from the University of Utah
      Meredith Chivers, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Queen’s University in Ontario,
      Neuroscientist Ogi Ogas, Ph.D. (the only male name cited)
      and the two articles were written by
      Nadia Goodman & Jessica Cruel

      So, it isn’t like this is just a bunch of men chattering about the topic without female input.

      And the article says that Meredith Chivers measured genital arousal. Woo Wooo!

      1. “Ogi Ogas” “Jessica Cruel“? Yeah, I totally believe those are real “scientists.” [/snark]

        (Waits for Bob-1 to diligently trot off and do research on whether these people actually exist and then for the inevitable humorless, dull, pedantic comment that no one will read because Jesus who cares.)

        1. No, wait, that wasn’t humorless, dull, and pedantic enough, so I did some more research, because you’re right, Cruel does seem like an unusual name. And it is.

          According to one surname analysis website:

          In the US there are 73 phone book entries with the surname Cruel and approximately 263 persons with this name.
          Thus, the surname Cruel is the 85,422nd most frequent name in the US.
          People with this surname live in 22 states.
          Most occurrences are in South Carolina: 15.
          Other states with lots of occurrences are Lousiana (7), California (7), New York (6), Florida (5), Georgia (4), Mississippi (4), Pennsylvania (3), Illinois (2), as well as Maryland (2).

          And according to another surname analysis website, 73.08% of those with the last name identify themselves as African-American.

          But of course, that doesn’t get to the heart of the matter. Why “cruel”? What’s the story there?

          I know the answer. But since no one will read this, and Jesus who cares, I’m not going to say.

  4. Your content nanny would not let me post this without this boilerplate. Youse folks will get the joke, no?

    “Joe Biden?”

  5. Do we know for sure that bisexuality even exists? Some gays claim bisexuality is a ruse employed by men who aren’t willing to admit they’re gay. I don’t care either way and I always assumed bisexuality did exist, but it would be interesting to know for sure.

  6. I take offense to the sailor anal-o-gy. I am a former submariner and maybe back in Nelsons navy it happened but then ships were more like prisons.
    I would say culture plays a lot into it as well. Look at the Greeks…in the Middle East where men and women are separated there is a lot of “back door action” between men. I have a lesbian friend who says the opposite is quite true as well (in the ME, but front vice back door).
    I take it more as pressure builds, steam needs to be released. The more pressure the fewer holes barred. Seeing 2 girls go at it for me is pretty darn nice, 2 guys…sorry but yuck is the nicest thing I can say. Just the thought of looking at some hairy a$s turns my stomach. But to each their own, what you do behind your own door is your business.

  7. My oh-so-hot wife insists that every woman, including her, is just two drinks away from being a lesbian. I’m still waiting for it to happen…

  8. You don’t hear about harams of guys and it’s not because there are no wealthy woman. What your wife didn’t tell you MfK is those two drinks are at the end of a longer string.

    All ya really need to know is the two girl shower scene in undercover brother. Guys will put away any differences to watch. Again, I don’t see the reverse happening.

  9. “But the only way I’d do it with a guy would be if I were raped.”

    …and he’s going to need some medical care too.

    I’m not sure that ‘two chicks at once’ thing is as wide spread as myth would have it. I think a lot of guys talk that, but how many of us are such great and skilled and …long lasting, lovers that we could satisfy TWO women at once?

    I remember any number of guys fulfilling this fantasy when I was in the Navy, for a fee mostly. And it seems to me that they were a lot less vocal about it AFTER we’d all known they’d completed the task.

    I used to work for a lady who broke up with her boyfriend over this. She and one of her friends “gave” this to the boyfriend for his birthday. She chucked him because he thought THEY had a better time with each other than he had with either of THEM!

    I think this article stinks more of the modern idea that any sex is good sex and should be approved by the masses idea, than reality or fact you could find. And on this kind of “ALL women think like I do” thinking this writer what this doing isn’t new.

    I don’t remember where it was said, written, or shown, but I remember my mother, my aunt and several of their friends upset about some female writer saying that ALL women had a secret desire to be a hooker at least once for the thrill, buzz, excitement …or WHATEVER reason. I was 13 or 14 so that would have been the late 60’s. They were quite hacked off that anyone would say that they ALL felt that way.

    I’m betting the difference is that most people now over look something like this being said. We no longer have outrage. Unless we’re white, reasonably well off and educated at a liberal arts college. Then we’re outraged about the lack of support for all the things that USED to outrage people.

    Like abortion, or 50% of us not paying taxes, or ??? [enter your liberal outrage here]

  10. how many of us are such great and skilled and …long lasting, lovers that we could satisfy TWO women at once?


  11. According to the old joke, women are like spaghetti: straight until you get them wet.

    I have, um, no data to support this bit of whimsy.

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