21 thoughts on “Is That All?”

  1. I am glad I voted for Senator McCain instead of wasting my opportunity to vote. I hope I will be able to vote for Gov. Romney, if he survives the Tea Party…

      1. One of the absolute necessities for the GOP nominee is the willingness to come out against Obamacare and the ability to detail its destructive features. Mitt can’t do that with any credibility.

        1. So I guess you will vote for one of the candidates that will ensure that President Obama is re-elected? Remember, you have to get the independents and moderate Republicans on your side in the general election if you expect to win.

          1. Matula probably believes the OWS rallies are more popular than the TEA Party. But’s that probably because he believes the MSM rather than aerial photos.

  2. Probably the big problems aren’t the ones he broke, but the ones he kept where the result isn’t what he promised they’d be.

  3. I couldn’t get the list. I’m presuming that it’s 3 pages, single-spaced, in 6-point type – right?


  4. An annual state of the world address? Why not an annual state of the galaxy address? He would know as much about the latter as the former, and we’d be equally interested…

  5. Would it be more accurate to describe these as promises broken or unfulfilled? Maybe promises unsupported would be more politically correct.

  6. Barbara,
    it’s 4 point! But they used “Californian FB’ font, one of THE thinnest out there.

  7. If the Koch’s are backing Caine, then I certainly think they have thought through the issues. They are, after all, long time LP supporters.

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