Well, This Was Inevitable

New scandal at D of J, as illegal guitars find their way into the hands of Mexican druglords:

The secret program came to light early this morning in the border town of Nogales, Arizona, after what was described as a wild battle of the bands between members of the Sinaloa cartel and Los Zetas, two of Mexico’s most notorious violent drug gangs.

“Usually these guys are armed with Mexican Strats and Squires, Epiphones, small caliber stuff like that,” said Pedro Ochoa, 36, an eye witness to the sonic melee. “This time they were packing the heavy firepower.”

The steady barrage of power chords and piercing solo attacks attracted the attention of nearby U.S. Border Patrol agents, who arrived at the scene just as Los Zetas broke into Led Zeppelin’s ‘Immigrant Song.’ By the time the dust had cleared, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Oscar Jimenez was found in a catatonic state of headbanging. He was later flown to University of Arizona Hospitals, where his condition is listed as seriously rawked.

And the cover up will continue.

[Update a couple minutes later]

What’s the difference between Martin and Gibson? Nope, not the “illegal” wood. One donates to Dems and the other to Republicans. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

7 thoughts on “Well, This Was Inevitable”

  1. “I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.”


    And I’m just as sure I’ll flap my wings and fly to the moon next Tuesday.

  2. In all seriousness, the Mexican Strats are pretty good guitars though, and about half the price of the lowest cost American Strat.

    Maybe this is a single-coil vs humbucker war?

  3. Lessee…Glenn Frey, Smuggler’s Blues: “they hide ’em up in Telluride…” awesome place to ski, especially if you like bumps.

  4. As it said in “Class of ’58”:
    “I may not know much, but I do know I’m partial to an E-major chord through a stack of Marshalls.”

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