The Credit Downgrade

…isn’t the Tea Party’s fault — it’s a symptom of the Marxist disease:

It is time to call a spade a spade — this is Marxism we are talking about, pure and simple.

This bubonic plague of the last century killed tens of millions in the Soviet empire alone, but a young generation of Americans who know little about its destructive power decided to give it a new lease on life. In November 2008 the Democratic Party won the White House and both chambers of the U.S. Congress, and soon after that the United States began being changed from a country belonging to “We the People” into one managed by a kind of Marxist nomenklatura with unchecked power.

This new American nomenklatura started running the country secretly, just as all Marxist nomenklaturas did. “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,” the leader of the nomenkatura in the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, once told the media. That was a first in U.S. history. It did not take long before this American nomenklatura took control of home mortgages, banks, auto-makers, and most of the health care industry. When tens of thousands of Americans objected to the cloak of secrecy under which all this was taking place, the same Nancy Pelosi called them Nazis. That was exactly what all post-WWII Marxist nomenklaturas called their opponents.

This is why Fukuyama’s thesis about the “end of history” after the Cold War was so nonsensical. One of the paradoxes of Marxism is that while it defies human nature, it is in fact human nature to believe its tenets, and so the lesson must be relearned with each generation.

37 thoughts on “The Credit Downgrade”

  1. In related news, the 11th Circuit has ruled Obamacare unconstitutional. The minority opinion had this nugget:

    The majority “has ignored the undeniable fact that Congress’ commerce power has grown exponentially over the past two centuries and is now generally accepted as having afforded Congress the authority to create rules regulating large areas of our national economy.”

    Judge Marcus, member of the new American nomenklatura.

  2. Bill, AK at the time had a revenue problem while living within its otherwise meager means. The US FedGov has nothing of the sort, and is rather suffering from a spending problem of outrageous profligacy (the vast majority of which is entitlement spending) well beyond the means of any global financial entity.

    Higher taxes cannot fix the problems of the federal government, and would in fact exacerbate it, because growth would be even more greatly impaired. You’ll note that Sarah Palin’s Alaska had a growing, profitable industry upon which to levy taxes, the majority of which were ultimately paid by consumers outside of Alaska. The US as a whole no longer has anything of the sort, shy of corn farming. I’m willing to kill corn subsidies if you like. That bipartisan enough for you?

  3. Alaska is unique in that it doesn’t have a sales tax or a personal income tax. What a wonderful idea!

  4. It was largely because Palin raised taxes.

    Bill, Sarah if nothing else, is a corruption fighter and the old system was corrupt. People went to jail.

    ACES is not just about tax rates. According to the Alaska constitution that oil belongs to its citizens. Oil companies are removing a non renewable that belongs to the state. They shouldn’t get paid for that?

    But let’s all sing with the media that she’s dumb and never accomplished anything.

    She believes in competition and transparency. Competition and transparency by itself would solve all our problems.

  5. In other news, Bill White discovers that America is a federal republic.

    It’s well within the rights of the states to impose their taxes as they see fit. If a group of people or industries don’t like it, they can pick up their stuff and move to anyone of the other 49 states that better align with their core beliefs and values. When the federal part of the government imposes its taxation is an across the board hike on top of all the other state taxes. Who you gonna turn to if the demands imposed by the federal gov’t go above and beyond what one deems fit and proper? Well, aside from renouncing your citizen and moving to, say, the Philippines; nothing.

    Which BTW I hear one can save up about 15k and move to the Philippines and live pretty good for a while. Just be mindful that some of the pretty ladies are in fact lady boys.

  6. Ken,

    I see. It’s OK for Sarah Palin to increase taxes on the oil companies, taxes the rest of America pays since they get deducted as a business expense, but its not OK for the federal government to rise taxes on the oil companies for the same reason.

  7. The very fact a generation grew up without Marxism is why the Tea Party is able to get away with calling President Obama Administration Marxist. If he was one he wouldn’t be caving in to the Tea Party, he would be sending them to labor camps in Alaska 🙂

  8. No, I don’t because he’s not a Marxist or dictator like the Tea Party believes, but is just another American trying to do the best he is able to do for his country.

  9. No, I don’t because he’s not a Marxist or dictator like the Tea Party believes, but is just another American trying to do the best he is able to do for his country.

    You must be a Michael Medved fan.

  10. It’s OK for Sarah Palin to increase taxes

    Yes, Thomas, as Gov. She could raise some, lower some, create new ones or remove old ones. That’s what gov. and state legislatures do.

    Try reading Joshs comment for comprehension.

  11. Marxism is a juvenile illogic. It really doesn’t matter what you label somebody because that always turns into beating the weeds.

    It’s that marxist illogic that’s important. BHO has told us straight out that he believes in redistribution and that people at some point have enough money so the government should take the rest away. This is not free enterprise. Go ahead and call it anything else you like. Theft is a mystery to BHO and Marxist (is that redundant?). Of course, they never mean that about themselves. That’s the beauty of being an elite. Running other peoples lives is so easy as long as you never have to actually live those lives.

  12. Obama could get plenty of tax dollars from US oil companies if he would allow them to drill here and drill now. This goes back to Rand’s constant argument about raise/lowering taxes when people mean tax rate. In this case, Obama can raise taxes without raising the rate, by simply allowing botth the oil company and the US government to share in the increase revenue from producing our own oil and selling it. Bonus, it is ethical oil. Superbonus, it puts Americans to work in America.

  13. The very fact a generation grew up without Marxism

    Dude, ever set foot in an elite university?

    Just kidding. I know what you mean. The most recent generation cannot relate to the Cold War era, when a Communist superpower was in the process of taking over the world one satellite nation at a time. Russia abandoned Karl Marx for Bela Oxmyx, and for now has curbed its imperialistic leanings.

    I can discern the rest of what you mean. Your claim that the Tea Party (as a whole, or just a majority?) calls Obama “Marxist.” There is no evidence that the majority of Tea Partiers believe Obama is Marxist. Limbaugh might say he is, but Limbaugh ain’t the Tea Party any more than I am Texas. Can you document the majority of Tea Partiers’ sentiments?

    You insinuate that people will buy into the claim because we know longer live in an age when people more clearly understood the definition of Marxism. Very interesting. Anyone likely to be persuaded by Obama-is-Marxist slogans is right of center. So you must acknowledge that Cold War-era folks on the right understood Marxism.

    Unfortunately, there was a Leftist misunderstanding that is still with us. Appeaseniks who think the Commies could be reasoned with, failing to understand that the Commie jihad was to eliminate capitalism globally, not just locally. Some thought the Commies weren’t really Marxists because they didn’t immediately set up those egalitarian societies Marx envisioned – in truth, they were enacting the interim dictatorships of the proletariat Marx prescribed. Some think Marxism is rooted in selflessness – as if taking people’s stuff by force were philanthropic.

    I don’t know if Obama is a Marxist. Is he a socialist? Of course he is. The real question is to what degree. Anyone who supports public education is socialist as far as that issue goes.

    People should forget about what kind of -ist Obama is. Broad labels don’t hit what really matters. Stick to specific issues.

  14. Always, after a defeat and a respite, the Shadow takes another form, and grows again. – Gandalf the Wizard

    Up to now, every generation has had to relearn the lesson the hard way. Mine learned it with Jimmy I.

    Maybe the internet will change all that.

  15. Communist [is currently] taking over the world one [near abroad] satellite nation at a time. Gandalf knew what he was talking about. Too bad we can’t have fictional characters… [head floating in clouds again…]

  16. Ken,

    I see. Governors have the right to do whatever they want, but not the President. Now where have I heard that argument before?

  17. Ken,

    Where do you get your news from? Cuba and North Korea are only communist nations left, and Cuba would cease to be one if we dropped the trade embargo and let corporate investment over run the country.

    Is the Tea Party so out of touch with reality?

  18. Alan,

    The Teflon nature of the Tea Party makes it impossible to pinpoint any responsibility since no one speaks for them. Space policy is a good example where some claiming to be Tea Party bash President Obama’s policy while claiming to be part of the Tea Party praise him for it.

    I suspect this lack of a single voice and lack of accountability is one reason public support for the Tea Party is declining so fast.

  19. Cuba and North Korea are only communist nations left

    So right Thomas, Marxist thought is completely quarantined within those borders. That’s such a relief to know. Thank you for saving me from those darn tea party folks.

    Governors have the right to do whatever they want, but not the President.

    Did you really say something so stupid? Do you really not understand the different parameters of the two jobs? You’d like to eliminate the whole concept of states within the country, wouldn’t you? Come on, admit it.

  20. That you have a guy who was tight with the likes of Ayers, Rev. Wright, Kahlidi, Frank Marshall Davis, and whose every single act as President was heavily socialist, and NOT know he’s a Marxist/Socialist defies comprehension.

    You have to have your head buried in the sand so deeply that you are coming out the other side and eating chinese.

    To say that Obama is doing the best he is able to do for his country is a “depends upon what “is” is” statement.

    I’m sure Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez all did/are doing their best.

  21. “Cuba and North Korea are only explicitly communist nations left if you consider China to have essentially left the fold.”

    Fixed that for you. But, whatever the system being promoted calls itself, an amorphophallus titanum by any other name still stinks.

  22. Thomas,

    Most of the Tea Party isn’t paying attention to space policy. They’re fixated on the $15 trillion Godzilla in the room.

    Unfortunately, the Reid and Pelosi appointees to the Super Committee are the rough equivalent of Rodan and King Ghidora.

    What a bunch of hacks. I miss Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Hell, I miss Robert Byrd.


    We’ll know Vietnam has turned capitalist when the theaters in Hue are showing Rambo II.

  23. Ken,

    [[[Governors have the right to do whatever they want, but not the President.

    Did you really say something so stupid? Do you really not understand the different parameters of the two jobs? You’d like to eliminate the whole concept of states within the country, wouldn’t you? ]]]

    I guess you missed the Constitution Convention where the states agreed the Federal government is superior to them, and the Civil War that settled the issue on the limits of power Governors have. If you still unsure just review the track records of Governors who tried to stop integration of schools in the 1950’s and 1960’s and how the President send in Federal troops to enforce the federal law.

  24. George,

    I guess you missed the 1990’s when Vietnam replaced the collectives with private ownership of farms, factories and stores. Since the switch their GDP has grown at 8 percent per year. I guess you also missed the news item about Laos opening the own securities exchange this year.

  25. Thomas, please enlighten us as to how the US trade embargo against Cuba prohibits Canadian or French or Swedish or (since you don’t consider them Communist) Chinese investment. I’m all ears.

  26. Thomas, I was in China and Vietnam earlier this year. While both countries have allowed a measure of freedom in their economies, the governments are still communist. There is only one party allowed and that’s the communist party. Speak out against the government and bad things will happen to you.

  27. I guess you missed the Constitution Convention where the states agreed the Federal government is superior to them

    Didn’t miss it. Be careful about false assumptions. I just disagree with it. Yes, I’m in the minority. That’s allowed ya know.

  28. Larry,

    It hasn’t, but the biggest market, and the one which would overwhelm them is from the U.S. Nothing destroys Communist faster than a flood of capitalist money.

  29. Larry,

    Yes, but there are many other non-communist one party countries in the world where that will happen as well and even faster. The key is their economic system is no longer communist, but market driven. They have given up on collectivism which is the core of communism and turned to capitalism, complete with private ownership of assets and with entrepreneurs as the new national heroes 🙂

    [[[Compton documented the entrepreneurship trend accurately in a new film, titled Win In China: China’s Entrepreneurial Explosion. This shows China’s rapid transition to a capitalist economy—with its entrepreneurs leading the charge.]]]

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