11 thoughts on “Heresy In Old Blighty”

  1. “A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.” Undoubtedly lots of new conservatives in Britain today.

  2. hmmm…I LOVE being ahead of the curve, from yesterday, under the “Rule of Law” posting, here’s my idea,
    Der Schtumpy Says:
    August 10th, 2011 at 9:25 am

    And the fact that the shop keepers of the UK can’t own guns bolsters the looters nerve. Firing a blank at the crowd would send most of them running. Shooting one or two would probably stop the whole thing.
    I stand by that.
    During the L.A. riots over ‘Rotney Kang’, the rioters set fire to anything handy, but did NOT burn (m)any Korean markets because the store owners defended themselves with guns. Guns that were illegal by L.A. AND California laws for the most part.

    As I recall, the city, county and state turned a blind eye to those guns.

    Here’s to hoping we don’t see rioting like this here. I can dream that, but in my heart, I think we’ll see it yet. And when we do, some shop keeper will shoot some rioter and the shop keeper will be the one in cuffs if we continue down the road I think we are on.

    That NY, CA, MI, WI, etc shop keeper will be called a right-wing, Tea Party, terrorist. And only after he’s in court will we find out, from FOX & Glenn Beck, Laura Ingram, et al, that he’s a life long Democrat with Kerry and Obama stickers on his Prius.

    It all sounds like farfetched, drug crazed, feverish fiction NOW, but so did Obamacare and a AA Rating in 2007!

    ALSO, I read an article yesterday, not sure where now, about a teen rioter saying he’d keep going until he got caught, because he knew the government was powerless to enforce the law.

    BUT, it said something about his father talking to him on the phone and he just hung up when ‘dad’ told him to come home instead of going a’rioting with his mates!

    And then he said, …and what’s ‘dad’ going to do to me if I DON’T go home?”

    I’m guessing the air of permissive parenting in the western world can’t possibly lead to a sense of entitlement, that would lead to a sense of superiority, that would allow some teen numbskull to tell ‘dad’ to toss off, while he goes off a’rioting?!

    Personally, I think grabbing the little shite poke by the scruff of his neck and shaking the crap outta him would work! But then again, I was actually crazy enough to spank (GASP) my kids when they were small, so I could be considered a ‘reactionary’.

    My suggestion to anyone who hasn’t done so yet, buy a damned gun. If you’re not handy with one, a shotgun works best. The worst that could happen is that I wind up looking foolish five years from now for saying there’s a coming need.

  3. Here’s to hoping we don’t see rioting like this here. I can dream that, but in my heart, I think we’ll see it yet. And when we do, some shop keeper will shoot some rioter and the shop keeper will be the one in cuffs if we continue down the road I think we are on.

    And I stand by what I wrote yesterday:

    How can any government that prosecutes people for self-defense be considered civilized? All that does is empower the thug at the expense of the victim.

    BTW: I’m looking for a “Drill Baby Drill” bumper sticker to put on my Prius except I’m concerned some compassionate liberal will key my car. I want the sticker in part to watch liberals heads explode at the cognitive disconnect. Also, just because I get 50 MPG, it doesn’t mean I like high gas prices for me or anyone else. Besides, aviation gasoline is costing me $5.30 a gallon and that makes it very expensive to fly my plane.

  4. That government is SAYING it’s civilized Larry, and governments who SAY things are considered better than those that actually ACT. It’s a socialist kinda thing I think.

    Acting is so 20th Century and Ronald Reaganish!

  5. Daniel Hannan said today he finds it ironic that many of the rioters describe themselves as anarchists when they’re so dependent on the dole.

  6. I heard one rioter being interviewed on the radio. He claimed they’ll continue rioting until the government gives them even more free stuff. Meanwhile, there’s an online petition that has over 100,000 signatures calling for the rioters to be stripped completely of their government benefits. The government is talking about using water cannons to disperse the crowds and quite frankly, they should connect them to the sewer lines.

    This isn’t likely to end well.

  7. Just back from my annual Maine sailing cruise with my moonbat buddy (Ivy college and retired school teacher) who insists we can’t cut social spending because people will riot. His solution to every problem is more public spending.

    I too would like a Drill Baby Drill sticker for my FUSION hybrid but like LarryJ I’m afraid of the Phillips Exeter moonbats keying my car.

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