…versus ethical oil. Jim Bennett, who sent me the link, notes:
I also love the way the Globe’n’Mail thinks that Velshi’s rather obvious conclusions are “notions.”
“Alykhan Velshi’s eye-popping ads are premised on the notion that oil exports ultimately underwrite the values of those states that produce them. ‘Conflict oil’ funds ‘dictatorship’ and ‘terrorism’ and results in ‘women stoned to death,’ according to the ads…”
Ya think?
Velshi must be one of those Islamophobic Muslims, obviously.
Obviously. Why, that notion of oil funding woman stoning is just crazy talk.
HilariousTruly sad comments on the G&M site, only one rational response out of twenty-four. I fear for the future with so many intelligence-free people out there.Is this ad campaign targeted at American Liberals who are doing everything possible to stop the production and sale of Canadian oil to the USA? If so, maybe it will work.
Saw this at Instapundit, and I’m still laughing at the diabolical genius of transmuting the “conflict diamonds” meme this way. The comment thread is indeed striking for its monotonous leftist anti-productivity groupthink.
What struck me was slide 6. It seems to be inviting the inevitable parody “Straight Oil vs. Gay Oil” [Domestic vs Canadian?], which would undercut the basic message, I think.