32 thoughts on “The Continuing Insanity Of The Politically Correct Multi-Cultis”

  1. So, if a blonde blue-eyed Aryan Scandinavian kills dozens of other blonde blue-eyed Aryan Scandinavians, that’s now an “Islamophobic” mass murder?

    To borrow a phrase, we are all Moslems now.

  2. It always impresses me that when the Modern Left observes, say, the CEO of Chevron explaining that the reason he does his job is because he likes giving employment to tens of thousands and a useful product to millions, and is genuinely concerned about pollution — the Stalinists respond with Of course he’s lying. You can’t possibly take at face value the words of someone who has a huge stake in a certain interpretation of his actions.

    But let a clearly crazed mass-murdering s***head issue a barely grammatical statement or manifesto — and that you just take at face value. Gosh, if he says he did it because Pam Gellar told him to (with secret mind-control rays, maybe) — well who are we to doubt this? Why would a criminal lie about his reason for the crime?

    Why indeed? Why would the Enron boys lie about why they practiced creative accounting? The Left has no problem figuring that one out. But why a dysfunctional psychopath might want to be seen as some kind of ideological martyr instead of as a forgettable deranged moron, why he might want to be seen as a soldier in a movement instead of as a lone crazy — this completely escapes them.

    Or appears to, that is. Personally, I observe their actions, not their words, and conclude that their willingness to take the manifestos of criminals at face value is entirely cynical, and is rooted in their core belief that any means (such as manipulating outrage and grief) is legitimate as long as the ends (such as taking down an irritant voice from the right) are noble.

  3. Perhaps this is why


    [[[The suspect has said staged the bombing and youth camp rampage as “marketing” for his manifesto calling for a revolution that would rid Europe of Muslims.]]]


    [[[“The operation was not to kill as many people as possible but to give a strong signal that could not be misunderstood that as long as the Labor Party keeps driving its ideological lie and keeps deconstructing Norwegian culture and mass importing Muslims then they must assume responsibility for this treason,” according to the English translation of Heger’s ruling that was read out after the hearing.]]]

    I suspect the fear is other nut cases out there may listen to him. So it seems prudent to take some precautions especially until this statement is investigated and proved false.

    [[[The self-described perpetrator of one of the worst modern mass murders in peacetime told Norwegian authorities that that he expects to spend the rest of his life in prison but two other cells of his terror network remain free, officials said Monday.]]]

    I expect they have also stepped up security on Labor Party members and facilities, but that doesn’t make as good a story for the blogsphere as arguing multi-culturism does.

  4. I admit that I have not dug into this story to any depth but if the goal was to target Muslims, why exactly did he not bomb a mosque or other target associated with Muslims? I can’t quite grasp why he did what he did. It doesn’t make much sense to me. But then, years ago, I read about a warning J. Edgar Hoover gave to an FBI agent. “Don’t try to think like a psychopath because then we’ll have to worry about you.”

  5. It makes sense if your goal is to defuse the growing sentiments in the West (don’t know if I can call it a movement in Europe yet) against our leftist masters. I’m coming more and more to think that far from being some sort of neo-Nazi, instead ABB is another tool in the left’s goal of destroying Western Civilization. That’s why he killed a bunch of kids instead of Muslims or Labor politicians. Anyway, that makes more sense to me than “I know how I’ll get people worried about Muslim immigration — I’ll kill some Norwegian kids!” Because we know how reasonable people are when you kill their kids.

    On the other hand he could be completely bonkers and have thought he was saving them from a future of horror at the hands of Muslim-ruled Europe, but so far I haven’t heard any statements to that effect. Instead I’ve heard he claims he thinks his actions were necessary to alert people to just how bad Muslims are… which makes no sense unless he’s lying and the real goal is discrediting anyone who’s so much as complained about multiculturalism, lax immigration laws, and appeasing attitudes towards Muslims who break the law in the West.

  6. Can we not consider the possiility, Andrea, that his reasons for committing hideous murders are some dark twisted psychopathic and/or biological strangeness — maybe his mother ate too many mushrooms while pregnant, maybe he smoked a bad batch of dope contaminated with mercury, maybe he had a brain tumor — and that what he says is motivated by how he wants the world to see him after he commits the crime?

    Furthermore, can we not assume that a creature that can commit such crimes is very unlikely to have anything of any real use to say about how and why he and his actions came about? If he had any ability to make cogent or useful observations about the world, or if he had any genuine insight into himself, he would not be capable of such acts. That is, by definition, nothing he says is of any value at all, and mining it for insight is like mining the babbles of a 1-year-old for insights into high-energy physics.

  7. Andrea, I’m sure he stewed about it for years. Attacking Muslims wouldn’t make a dent in the immigration wave, would backfire badly, vastly increase pan-European protection of their status, and of course invite 10-fold Jihadist retribution (which in the bizzaro world of jihadism, would probably be carried out on Hindus, Coptic Egyptians, and Muslim women who shop on Wednesday)

    I haven’t bothered to read his manifesto, but he must’ve concluded that a direct attack on European policy makers and their future generations would serve his ends. Plus, it’s a nice socialist country where he’ll get a nice room in prison, free cable, and probably a nice government job with a fat pension when he gets out.

  8. I’m probably being too complimentary to the left: they’re probably not smart enough to orchestrate a campaign like the one I postulated. Still, they’re not that dumb: even if he’s crazy, the left sure isn’t letting this opportunity go to waste. Why would they? It’s not like they have any morals. Some see a bunch of murdered children to mourn; the left sees an opportunity to further their goals. I expect any day now to hear that several websites have been removed from the internet. “For maintenance.” Yeah.

  9. His agenda was, as someone upthread posited, to target the people he sees as enablers of the problem. Taking out a significant chunk of the next generation of Labour politicians (it was a camp for the children of the current generation of Labout politicians and their hangers-on as I understand it), would automatically shift the political center away from that end of the spectrum. Also, violence has worked well for Muslims in terms of getting their agendas promoted by the Western elite, so it was pretty much inevitable that other groups would take that lesson to heart.

  10. Jason,

    [[[Taking out a significant chunk of the next generation of Labour politicians (it was a camp for the children of the current generation of Labout politicians and their hangers-on as I understand it), would automatically shift the political center away from that end of the spectrum.]]]

    Glenn Beck appears to have taken a similar view of it.


    Beck: Norway camp smacks of ‘Hitler Youth’
    By the CNN Wire Staff
    July 26, 2011 3:28 a.m. EDT

    You gotta love the TP/JBS for their sensitivity…

  11. Leland,

    It’s better then voting for a candidate advocating Second Amendment solutions.

  12. “And what does that have to with Glenn Beck’s lack of sensitivity?”

    I wonder what those on the left would call a Tea Party summer camp for children?

    Not sure what to make about the lack of sensitivity from the left in their glee that there is finally a right wing terrorist attack to back up their stereotyping of conservatives in the USA, never mind the event happened in Norway and the terrorist’s politics might not have much in common with the right wing in America.

  13. Wodun,

    [[[I wonder what those on the left would call a Tea Party summer camp for children?]]]

    You mean like the “Patriot Camps” Glenn Beck runs?

  14. Well, it appears Glenn Beck should not be planning any visits to Norway soon.


    [[[Torbjorn Eriksen, a former press secretary to Norway prime minister Jens Stoltenberg, told The Daily Telegraph in England that the comments were a “new low” for Beck.

    “Young political activists have gathered at Utoya for over 60 years to learn about and be part of democracy, the very opposite of what the Hitler Youth was about,” Eriksen said. “Glenn Beck’s comments are ignorant, incorrect and extremely hurtful.”]]]

  15. Oh I see — “John Birch Society.” I keep forgetting you have some weird hair up your posterior about those people. Also Glenn Beck, though I’m not sure why — he’s a Mormon, and Mormon’s don’t drink tea.

  16. Thomas Matula Says:
    “You mean like the “Patriot Camps” Glenn Beck runs?”

    Yes, those were the exact type of camps I was referring to. Although, I don’t think Beck’s are affiliated with the Tea Party but instead with is 9/12 project. What do people on the left call those camps?

  17. What do people on the left call those camps?

    It’s interesting that the sort of people who criticize Beck’s camps equate the Founding Fathers and the Constitution with partisan politics. Well, the Founders were partisans in 1776, but from our perspective they shouldn’t be. But they are – because leftist partisans reject many of their ideas.

    (I’m all for the concept, but I have no idea how Beck implements it, so I have no opinion on Beckstock.)

    Maybe we should take a politics-neutral approach to raising kids. Don’t teach them anything that could strongly influence their political views. But then we couldn’t teach them history. As if schools were doing a good job of that now.

  18. Andrea Harris Says:

    July 26th, 2011 at 7:13 pm
    Oh I see — “John Birch Society.” I keep forgetting you have some weird hair up your posterior about those people. Also Glenn Beck, though I’m not sure why — he’s a Mormon, and Mormon’s don’t drink tea.

    Yeah, he’s the only person I’ve heard mention the John Birch Society in over 20 years but he’s stupid enough to believe they’re somehow linked to the Tea Party movement. I wonder if he checks under his bed each night for Birchers and other boogiemen of his childish fantasies.

  19. LarryJ: so someone who knows more than you about the toxic portion of the right wing is “stupid”. Well, now we know. Thank you.

    The Tea Party uses the rhetoric and the methods of the John Birch Society, and this was commented on quite a bit in 2009/10. Strange that you missed it – probably too busy calling other people “stupid”.

    The Tea Party IS the JBS, in newer clothes, with the same old gang of very rich nuts financing them as always. Difference is, in the 1950’s the Eisenhower-led GOP kept them at the entrance to the tent, now they have moved all the way inside.

    Now for the ties between this murderer and the US right wing: one of his stated inspirations in that manifesto is the US hate-monger Pamela Gellar, who rants on about Muslims every day. (She is also the one who claims that the President is actually the “love child” of Malcolm X . . . . ) She is also the one who stirred up the hatefest last summer over the “mosque at ground zero”, you know, the project that isn’t a mosque and is not at ground zero. That one.

    And we have yet to find out how many people helped this murderer (if any).

  20. This why I’m not a joiner. No matter how much any group shares your own views, they will have a few crazy ideas with which those without perspective will use to slop the broad brush over you.

    “Icing on the crazy cake.” You do have a way with words Andrea. Thanks for the smile.

  21. Mr. Greene, I hate Muslims. Or to be more exact I hate Islam. Islam killed 3000 Americans and a couple of hundred of my countrymen on 9/11. Islam killed a couple of hundred Americans and a dozen Scots at Lockerbie. Islam killed 52 people and maimed four times that many on 7/7/05. Islam is responsible for the public humiliation of hundreds of thousands of Americans (by the TSA) every day. Islam has killed thousands of Israelis. And so on and so on and so on… Islam has carried out 17,512 terrorist attacks since 9/11 – which is approximately five per day.

    We are at war. We have been at war for 1,389 years – and counting.

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