A Media Demogogue

It’s long been a characteristic of media hacks that they refuse to link to stories that they criticize, so they can just make up anything they want about it.

[Late morning update]

Another hack attack: “Isthmus columnist Emily Mills slimes me over the Wisconsin Supreme Court “chokegate” story…without taking the trouble to link to or quote anything I said. Or should I say without daring to link to or quote anything I said?”

In a sane world, these people would be fired for their lies.

One thought on “A Media Demogogue”

  1. An interesting (to me) sub-component of that post and the discussion thread following it is the whole “men and women are equal” thing. In what sense? Legally? Tell it to a man whose wife has left him for another guy, taken his kids, and demand alimony. Physically? It is to laugh. Intellectually? In what area of intellectual accomplishment? How many women’s colleges have first rate engineering departments (honest question that, I’m under the impression that the answer is ‘zero’ but I’d welcome correction). How many women, relative to men, have received Nobel Prizes in any hard science?

    Anyway, men and women *should be* equal *under the law*, ie subject to the same laws with the same penalties assessed regardless of sex, but to extrapolate that normative statement to the positive assertion that men and women are equal, period, is…factually insupportable. And tiresome. It’s as if the people who preach Diversity Uber Alles can’t accept that “different” does not necessarily equal “inferior”.

    Anyway, end rant.

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