Newt isn’t having a good week. His phone rang during a speech, and the ringtone is “Dancing Queen.”
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Newt isn’t having a good week. His phone rang during a speech, and the ringtone is “Dancing Queen.”
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It coulda been worse….karmakarmakarmakarma chameleonnnn….
At first I was dead, dead set against Mr. Gingrinch as President — his serial philandering leading to 3 marriages and such. But the more I hear about him, the more I am changing my mind.
Over at Jerry Pournelle, and I think Mr. Pournelle can match anyone’s space advocacy or conservative political credentials, you will hear some good things about Newt Gingrinch, and yes, Jerry offers the disclaimer that he once served as an advisor to Congressman Gingrinch on space policy.
Dancing Queen? Admires ABBA as a “secret pleasure”? Just makes him a regular guy. Or at least a guy who likes what he likes and doesn’t care that his tastes in movies or music aren’t kewl.
Yeah, yeah, Medicare needs reform, we are going bankrupt, etc, etc, but the Ryan Plan is going to lead the Republican/Libertarian/Conservative/Tea Party coalition off a cliff, and now Mr. Gingrinch is furiously back pedaling from having state the obvious because what is obvious is no longer fashionable in the right-wing blogosphere.
Of course, the ring was one of those individualized-by-CallerID tones, and I can’t think of a better tone for the Banking Queen Barney Frank.
Able you were ere you heard Abba.
When I first read Al’s comment, I thought he wrote “Barking Queen.” 😉
Newt is just trying to get a spot on The Daily Show.
Al, thanks for finding the YouTube link. “The Banking Queen” is one of Shanklin’s best — and that’s saying a lot.
“You should get out before you make an even bigger fool of yourself”.
“Able you were ere you heard Abba.”
Paul D. wins the internets.
Oh, it’s good, but not that good. It’s not like it’s a palindrome.
I know the original. I was congratulating Paul D. for doing a clever riff off of it.
What’s an Abba?
Former Newt fan. He’s dead to me with the AGW Pelosi love fest and worst of all taking the wimp road on entitlement reform. Newt is SO nineties.
Well, I’m done with Gingrich now for sure. He’s a fan of both ObamaCare AND Meryl Streep! What next?
A gay lovechild from a secret affair with Nanny Pelosi!?
It’s not like it’s a palindrome.
A man, a plan, a canoe, pasta, heros, rajahs, a coloratura, maps, snipe, percale, macaroni, a gag, a banana bag, a tan, a tag, a banana bag again (or a camel), a crepe, pins, Spam, a rut, a Rolo, cash, a jar, sore hats, a peon, a canal – Panama!
That had to have been come up with by either a computer or an idiot savant.
I’m not sure how Guy L. Steele did it, or whether he qualifies for either category. 🙂