
Groan. It looks like he’s going to run. I really, really dread him getting the Republican nomination.

[Late evening update]

Well, even though I don’t believe in Him, thank God. Apparently He told him not to run. Sometimes Christian beliefs are quite useful.

36 thoughts on “Huckabee”

  1. Ron Paul, keep saying it. In head to head polling, he’s doing the best against Obama now.

  2. Huckleberry won’t get the nomination. But he just might screw it up like he did last time:

    Like him or not (for me, not much) Mitt could have taken the nomination in 2008 if it weren’t for Huck-a-diddle. And Mitt had a much better chance to beat Obama than McCain did.

  3. Ron Paul?

    “Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) suggested Friday that he wouldn’t have voted in favor of the 1964 Civil Rights Act if he were a member of Congress at the time.”

    “”For you to imply that a property rights person is endorsing that stuff, you don’t understand that there would be zero signs up today saying something like that,” he said. “And if they did they would be an idiot and out of business.””

    But that is exactly what is going to happen.

    I want to see as many possible candidates enter the race now so that the MSM and the Democrats spend energy trying to destroy them in hope that when a nominee is chosen, they wont have as much energy.

  4. Romney, Paul, Huckabee, Gingrich… All that’s left is for McDole to decide to run again, and then we’ll have all the clowns we had the last time, again backbiting their way to oblivion.

  5. Yes. Excellent. If he’d run, then The Stupid Party was in danger of getting distracted by his emphasis on so-called “social issues” and his quasi-Democratic economic populism, especially if he was polling in the top three. Now, maybe, they rest of them will have one less excuse to not concentrate on economic and foreign policy issues.

    Now the question is, which one will have the guts to actually criticize our Community-Organizer-in-Chief?

  6. Thank God and Greyhound!

    I voted for Mike Huckabee several times, as Lt. Governor and Governor of Arkansas. But I wouldn’t vote for him again as Dogcatcher here in Hempstead County.

    Yep. I’m from the same County he is. And I have seen through him. He’s a tax and spend weasel, and I want nothing more to do with him, in any political sense.

    He needs to go back to being an Evangalist. He has some skill at that, and I can’t find nearly as much fault with him in that respect as I can as a Politician.

    Go back to preaching, Mike. You don’t belong in politics!

  7. I’m glad Huckabee isn’t running. My understanding is that as Governor, he was a big-government, “compassionate conservative” type. We don’t need any more of that, and we can’t afford it anyway.

    I don’t want the government to be compassionate. I want them to stick to their Constitutionally mandated duties, and otherwise leave me alone.

    I’m not a Ron Paul supporter, but he is right about the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Abolishing legal, state-sanctioned segregation was right and proper. Government must treat all of its citizens equally and fairly.

    But it went too far in outlawing private discrimination. A business owner should have the right to hire whomever he pleases, and an apartment owner should likewise be able to choose his tenants. A Christian business owner should be able to hire only Christians if he so desires, and a black apartment building owner should have the right to rent only to black people.

    And there will be other business and apartment owners who don’t give a rip and will hire or rent to anybody.

    It’s called freedom of choice, and the Civil Rights Act essentially outlawed it.

    Ayn Rand said at the time, “Freedom of association also includes the freedom not to associate.”

  8. Too bad. Now there is no one for the MSM and the Democrats to attack for being a christian while ignoring Obama quoting scripture to promote his global warming agenda.

  9. Ron Paul may have been right about the 1964 Civil Rights act, in fact I agree with him, but any candidate for political office who says something like that has already lost. His chance of getting the Republican nomination are slim anyway, but if he does the Democrats will portray him as a racist and Obama will win in a landslide.

  10. Well, even though I don’t believe in Him, thank God. Apparently He told him not to run. Sometimes Christian beliefs are quite useful.

    I went to a page called “Pray for Huckabee” or some such, and posted my prayer that he wouldn’t run.

    You’re welcome.

  11. I think that no matter what this guy’s politics were, he couldn’t ever get elected president with a name like that. He really ought to consider changing his name.

    “Roger” would be nice…

  12. Well, even though I don’t believe in Him, thank God. Apparently He told him not to run. Sometimes Christian beliefs are quite useful.

    Comment seen at Ace of Spades last night:

    404 You wouldn’t believe how much time I had to spend on my direct line to him this afternoon to talk this idiot down.
    Posted by: God at May 14, 2011 08:57 PM

  13. Now if people would start talking about the best libertarian candidate in the election, Gary Johnson…

  14. David, the democrats are guaranteed to portray Obama’s opponent as racist no matter who it is, even if its Kane. Thats just how they roll.

  15. He knows the Republican Tea Party is going to self-destruct in 2012 and is positioning for 2016 when normal Republicans are back in charge of the party:-)

  16. If Gary Johnson is elected you could kiss subsidies for New Space good bye based on how he treated the space industry in New Mexico.

  17. Huck isn’t running, even though the competition sucks worse than last time. After years of getting yelled at by Republicans for various offenses, Newt gets the notion that he might be popular enough to make a Presidential bid. What’s the deal? I suspect witchcraft. Where’s Christine O’Donnell been lately?

  18. Looks like Donald Trump couldn’t take the heat and bailed as well.

    Yeah, the rest of us knew that before it happened. Way to be on top of things.

  19. Titus,

    Of course, he could never withstand the look at his finances that a presidential run would result in. However he didn’t make it official until this morning.

  20. Now the question is who will be the next Tea Partier to jump the sinking ship?

    What are you blathering about now? What does this have to do with your compulsive obsession about the Tea Party?

  21. Just what proportion of Americans are “devout Christians”? (I’m using quote marks because many of them are very far indeed from actually being Christian.)

    I think that this question is important for one very simple reason; only zealots will vote for a zealot. Over here across the Pond in England, nobody I know understands why any American at all would vote for some of the crazies in American politics. Including Huckabee – he might just as well change his name to Nehemiah Scudder and be done with it. And it worries us.

  22. Alan,

    Ahhh, the slippery nature of the Tea Party comes to the rescue again. So tell, who, in your opinion, are the Tea Party candidates?

  23. Oops, getting my dropouts mixed up – conflating the words “dropouts” and “losers.” Trump, Huck and Newt are all losers, but only two (so far) are dropouts.

    I’ve long been puzzled at Huck’s 2008 Prez bid. What does the former governor of a failed Southern state have to brag about? To Republicans, that is. Clinton doesn’t count, because Democrats don’t have to succeed at anything to become President. They just have to promise free stuff. Charisma helps, too.

    Newt’s getting off to a great start in his challenge against Obama in the primaries.

    who, in your opinion, are the Tea Party candidates?

    Who’s officially running besides Newt?

    Considering the two issues that spawned the Tea Party – the bailouts (and resulting trillion-dollar deficits) and Obamacare, a Tea-Party-friendly candidate would be one who supports significant reductions in a) overall government spending and b) government micromanagement of health care and health insurance.

  24. Thomas,
    The Tea Party candidates are Ron Paul, Gary Johnson and anybody else who signs a promise to cut the budget by more than $6-8 trillion over the next 10 years. I mean really cut it too, none of this reduction in increases.

    A real candidate should also be willing to raise the retirement age to 70 by 2020 (say, 3 months per year, with an immediate one year bump), repeal obamacare, repeal the PATRIOT Act and FISA, pull our military out of overseas bases in Japan, Germany, Italy, Iraq and Afghanistan, while issuing an ultamatim that any nations that refuse to hand over al qaeda members will see a complete and total trade embargo, travel and immigration ban. Then we can start talking about liquidating unneeded federal assets like EM spectrum, forestland and mining rights (the US Govt owns 1/3 of all land in the US, which is way too much for a free market country), ending biofuel subsidies and all tax breaks or deductions for all energy companies, not just oil companies (this includes subsidies for wind power, solar, etc).

  25. TM:

    Unless you are being willfully obtuse, you understand that the Tea Party is not like the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. They hold no convention and do not pick a candidate to represent their party.

    They are a diverse group of people connected by several key political ideas. They care about their ideas, and getting their ideas heard, more than they care about any single candidate. They do not require the “members” to vote as a block.

    But you knew that…..

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