6 thoughts on “Hollywood Versus Reality”

  1. Too bad this stuff didn’t come out when the movie GANDHI was going into production. They could have cast Arnold as Herman Kallenbach, Gandhi’s “soul mate.”

    “I’ll be back . . . with some bubble bath and scented candles.”

  2. It is nice to see the deconstructionists hit people other than our founding fathers.

  3. Gandhi himself knew what he was doing, and exploited the situation without mercy. He said on several occasions — sorry, all in hard copy; I don’t have links — things to the effect that his tactics would only work against nice guys. Since the British were exhausted by WWII and couldn’t afford to preserve the Em-Pah any longer, they leapt upon the concept as a face-saving out; if Gandhian tactics worked, it established them as nice guys. The reverberations from that particular bit of self-congratulations won’t die out for a long time.


  4. Gandhi in 1940 also told the British to offer only non-violent resistance to the Nazis if they had managed to win the Battle of Britain and invade England. In the 1920s, when India was hit with a smallpox epidemic, Gandhi told his fellow Indians not to accept British smallpox vaccinations, and instead rely on meditation and enemas to defeat the disease. In 1942, in cooperation with Nehru and the Indian Congress Party, he helped launch a general strike against
    British rule. This was after the Japanese Army had already conquered Burma and was sitting on the borders of British India. I’ve always felt he was a nut case who got lucky in his choice of enemies.

  5. Malcolm X [said] women were “tricky, deceitful, untrustworthy flesh”

    What would Sam Kinison think?

    I recall that Malcolm X claimed in his autobiography that a series of traumatic relationships with men led a certain woman to become a lesbian. Let the libs have fun with that.

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