10 thoughts on “I Know That This Makes Me A Racist”

  1. Well, Cain is black, and actually “blacker” than Obama, since Obama is half-white. That said, Cain is a statist warmonger who would continue the policies of the federal reserve (he is from the Fed, btw).

  2. Hrmmm, I think you’re supporting a racist, Rand, because Cain is clearly racist if he’s running against Obama.

    Me? I’d vote for a tree stump if it was my only choice against Obama… but if the tree stump was running against him, that’d make the tree stump racist too..


  3. Of course you are being racist … now present yourself to the nearest moveon.org-ACLU re-education camp for treatment.

  4. “Of course you are being racist … now present yourself to the nearest moveon.org-ACLU re-education camp for treatment.”

    Can I get some enviro re-eddikation there as well?

  5. Herman Cain is actually descended from Americans who were actually victims of slavery — unlike Barack Obama, whose ancestors’ only role in American slavery would have to have been as perpetrators or facilitators.

    It’s a certainty Cain cares more about improving the lot of black people in America, but that’s not a very high bar.

  6. If Cain is running as a Republican THAT makes HIM a racist too, doesn’t it? Or at best, he’s a ‘sell out’ or an ‘Uncle Tom’.

    Even if Cain is pro-Fed, he’s a better choice for the country than any of the Dems who are likely to run. He does have business experience AND he’s for returning to the Gold Standard. Which would take SOME power away from the Fed if my thinking and studying is on track.

    How’s this for defeat of Obama AND (supposed) racism. Cain and Alan West. Sounds like 16 years of common sense and small government to me!

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