In Which I Scoop Donald Trump

I’ve had a document for a while now that I have neither disclosed, or provided to Wikileaks. But now that the Donald seems on the verge of spilling the beans, I’ve decided it’s time to go public, so I can scoop, or “Trump” him (ha ha…). I can’t know for sure whether this is genuine, but in light of the rest of the history that is slowly being revealed, (e.g., by Stanley Kurtz), these Columbia transcripts that the president has refused to release look quite plausible.

I can’t see anything here that jumps out as to why he wouldn’t want us to see them. It’s not like we’re learning anything much new about him. He did have a rough semester in the fall of ’82, but he seems to have bounced back nicely by focusing on courses the final semester that were more in his wheelhouse. So as far as I’m concerned, it looks like the real deal to me.

Of course, if the White House wants to claim that it’s not, it would be quite simple to do so. If it’s not real, release the real one. It’s entirely in the president’s power.

63 thoughts on “In Which I Scoop Donald Trump”

  1. You forgot something. It’s not real until you photoshop one of those official logos on there.

    The Seal of Columbia University is the most official symbol of the university since it carries legal weight. It’s used by the trustees to place their official approval or stamp on something, e.g. it figures prominently on your diplomas.

    Someone ought to sex up that seal a little. It has a white woman on there with babies, that’s so pre-PC. Maybe a diverse group of everything but white males and drop the offensive rugrats. It needs a little color too. This is NYC, home of Madison Avenue. They have no excuse for such a lousy logo.

  2. Does anyone seriously believe that if President Obama did release his birth certificate or transcripts that Donald Trump and his followers would just go away? No, all they would is claim they were fake.

    Neither Buzz Aldrin’s punching that Moon landing hoax clown or the recent LRO has gotten that group to change their tune. And Richard Hoagland is still claiming there is a face on Mars and NASA just faked the photo showing it’s just a hill.

    The best way to deal with kooks like these is what President Obama is doing, just ignore them.

  3. Thomas Matula Says:
    “Does anyone seriously believe that if President Obama did release his birth certificate or transcripts that Donald Trump and his followers would just go away? No, all they would is claim they were fake.”

    Probably not. There are many people who know it isn’t true but keep up the attack out of animosity for Obama. It is ridiculous and plays into Obama’s hand.

    Conspiracy theories are popular. Many Democrats still believe Bush was behind 9/11 and lied us into Iraq to make his oil buddies rich.

  4. Tom, these days Hoagland is more concerned about the giant structures in the rings of Saturn.. or as I like to call ’em, “Obama’s fortress of solitude”.

    If this transcript is right, we’ve once again proven two things: any “evidence” that doesn’t support the political argument will be buried, and Rand is terrible at playing the team sport of partisan politics (hey, this is a *compliment*).

  5. Fake but accurate! Just ask Danny boy hisself!

    Indeed. If CBS were at all non-partisan, this would be top story at 6.

  6. Does anyone seriously believe that if President Obama did release his birth certificate or transcripts that Donald Trump and his followers would just go away?

    You do realize there are other people that Trump and his followers. I bet some of them would be interested and receptive to the facts.

  7. Karl,

    Yea, that is what all the conspiracy believers say, its not for me, but others in the nation MUST know.

    But think about this. Suppose he doesn’t have a Birth Certificate and is foreign born. How many folks would it take to keep the secret? How many in Hawaii have legitimate access to those records? And how did the Department of State ever issue him a Passport without one? Who did he have working on the inside to issue him one? Not now, but years ago when he visited Kenya. And how did he get financial aid without signing up for Selective Service, one of the requirements for his age groups, without records? And so who at the Selective Service is in on it? And the three schools? And for how many years? 5 years? 20 Years? 30 years? Oh, yes and let’s not forget the record keepers in the country he was born in, who in on it there?

    Start adding up the numbers it would take to keep it secret. And then what is the motive? If the the mastermind behind the conspiracy wanted to make someone president why not just pick someone who is a U.S. Citizen in the first place? Instead of someone who wasn’t.

    You see, that is the problem with kooky theories like this, or the Moon landing Hoax, or all the other kooky conspiracies. When you try to estimate what it would take to make the conspiracy work the numbers get large and the reasons to do so become illogical….

  8. I got a passport in 1969, with the aid of a Xerox copy of my birth certificate that was embossed with the seal of the state in which I was born. 36 years later, I tried the same thing, and was told that it was unacceptable. It was also unacceptable as I.D. for a security clearance background investigation.

  9. Thomas, you ignorant slut.

    And how did he get financial aid without signing up for Selective Service, one of the requirements for his age groups, without records? And so who at the Selective Service is in on it?

    Selective Service registration is no more difficult than filling out a Change of Address card at the Post Office. In fact, they encourage illegals to do so in order to protect future citizenship possibilities (amnesties?) You don’t even need a SSN to do so.

    Please, try a little harder next time.

  10. Thomas,

    The post appears to be about his college transcripts. It interesting that you’re trying to turn it into a discussion of his birth certificate.

    Do you think his transcripts need to be kept secret? If so, why? If not, the what do you think you’re adding by raising the birth certificate? Do you think that when his transcripts are released they’ll show an him to be a mediocrity as a student? Perhaps even a worse student than W?

    I do. That’s why I think the universities that he attended are guarding those records so closely.

    Let me explain why it is relevant. During the election when it was pointed out that his credentials were laughable, we were treated to the spectacle of people pointing out the grad-school accomplishments of this 40+ year old. For example, did you know that he was president of the Harvard law review? If you did it is because there were imbeciles in the press and among his supporters who thought the accomplishments that would get him an associate position at a good law firm were also the accomplishments that qualified him for the presidency.

    I guess we can be grateful they didn’t tell us about how well he did as Treasurer of the AV club. Or how his 4th grade science project was runner up in the all grammar school science fair, beating out sixth graders!

    Since his credentials for the presidency revolve around his adolescent accomplishments it is, I think, OK to demand documentation of those accomplishments. Don’t you?

  11. The post appears to be about his college transcripts. It interesting that you’re trying to turn it into a discussion of his birth certificate.

    By what moronic logic do you come to that conclusion? Because I am quite confident that I have not brought the phrase “birth certificate” into this discussion.

  12. It’s surreal, the whole thing about the birth certificate and college transcripts being so secret, in particular in comparison to the magnifying glass Bush and Kerry were under. It is doubly surreal that the media is so incurious about Obama’s records.

    It’s almost like something out of a Robert Ludlum novel.

  13. “Thomas,

    The post appears to be about his college transcripts. It interesting that you’re trying to turn it into a discussion of his birth certificate.”

    This is what these guys do, Joe: divert the narrative. I wouldn’t be surprised if the King of Narrative Diversion, Chris Gerrib, doesn’t show up here soon, chastising Mr. Maturla for muscling in on his territory.

  14. Hello!? “Place of Birth: Mombasa, Zaire”. Is that going to make anybody shut up? If this is real, then it’s explosive.

  15. Just wondering why the paper looks wrinkled while the typed “content” doesn’t appear to follow any of the irregularities.

  16. Rand, I’m convinced this must be a valid transcript, because there are three glaring errors in the GPA calculation.

    First, both Poli Sci 321 and Sociology 351 are three credit courses; Obama’s A in each should give him 12 points, rather than the 15 that some careless registrar awarded him. His GPA for the semester should have been 3.14.

    Sociology 428 – Community Org is worth 5 credits, and Obama received an A+ in it. He should have earned at least 20 points for that, but the points column shows only 4.3. (I suspect the 4.3 is the multiplier for an A+, so the points for the course should have been 21.5.) This brings his GPA that semester to 2.76.

    Obama’s actual Columbia GPA is almost unchanged, as the first two errors cancel out the third. I get a final GPA of just under 3.07.

    Congrats on the scoop!

  17. This is a joke. Look at the courses and the grades he got. A conservative’s dream.

    a D in free markets. LOL

    Come on.

  18. hilarious transcript…and probably not too far off the mark. the big question is why barry/barack “hussein” soetero/obama would spend over two million bucks to hide documents like this one from the american public.

  19. Trent Waddington Says:
    April 26th, 2011 at 2:26 pm

    Tom, these days Hoagland is more concerned about the giant structures in the rings of Saturn.. or as I like to call ‘em, “Obama’s fortress of solitude”.

    Huh, I thought Quinniapac and Gallup were the general contractors for Obama’s Fortress of Solitude.

  20. Joe,

    The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act requires schools to keep transcripts confidential, even from a student’s parents. Only the student has the right to release them. If the school releases them, or someone steals them, they are a breaking a federal law.

    And Rand, yes this is part of the birther issue because it’s about demanding that confidential records being released just because someone is curious about them. I don’t see Donald Trump posting his transcripts any where although it be interesting to see his grades.

  21. There was an episode during Obama’s college days that bears a closer examination, his visit to Pakistan when it was against the law for US citizens to do so.

  22. Trent,

    Yes, it’s a good example of how conspiracies become more and more in the minds of those who believe in them. He believes NASA is just a cover for a secret space program which has bases on Mars and hyperdimensional spacecraft. It’s a hoot. He’s even funnier then the Tea Party and their Obama conspriacies.

  23. HAHA! Good one Thomas! No. I’d hate to encourage a violation of so important a Federal Law as the “Family Education Rights and Privacy Act” in the case of politician who ran on his academic experience for President of the United States. I hear the prosecutions of the violators that published Gore’s, Kerry’s and W’s records are ongoing and complex.

    Anyway I don’t think it would be a legal problem if Obama just said, “Release the records.”

    I seem to recall that in another post you indicated you were the chairman of some department or other which means you’ve been on a search committee.

    Tell me: when you’re deciding which associate professor to hire for a full professor, do you sufficiently take into account their grad school record? If they haven’t published anything for 15 years but they were Phi Beta Kappa, are you thinking “HIRE THIS GUY! AND MAKE HIM EMERITUS!”

    Do you dream of the day when we can have a President who was “TA of the Year?”

    Obama ran on his academic record. His supporters made his academic record a centerpiece. That’s infantile and stupid but there it is. I’d like to know his grades. Why not you?

  24. “He’s even funnier then the Tea Party and their Obama conspriacies.”

    Ahh, a slur without any evidence. I guess you’re too busy beating your wife.

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