13 thoughts on “This Explains So Much”

  1. From Chavez’ speech:

    Here on planet Earth, where hundreds of years ago or less there were great forests, now there are deserts. Where there were rivers, there are deserts

    Like the Aral Sea? The region around Chernobyl? Plus he might have added: Once there were thriving prosperous states, now there are pathetic basket case economies sinking into grinding poverty and lawlessness. Like Venezuela!

    No one — not the most delusional antisocial locked away in a padded room — has more tendency to Big Lie audacious projection than the deep-dyed socialist, who always viciously attributes the most terrible consequences of his own actions to the behaviour of others.

  2. No. In fact, it was big government bureaucracy that ended life on Mars. Think about it: We know that in their attempt to colonize our planet, the Martians placed gigantic machines all over Earth. But could they complete their mission to take over Earth in a timely fashion? No! Due to what can only be attributed to an incredibly massive Martian bureaucracy they had to *bury* their machines and then wait 1,000,000 years for phase II funding (necessary to complete the job) to be appropriated! And in the process, they even misplaced the memo from the machine-builders that told them to being aspirin along when they eventually returned to Earth.

  3. No, it was Chuck Norris.

    He’s already been to Mars. That’s the reason there are no signs of life there.

    (An oldie but a goodie.)


  4. I’ve always had a hard time understanding how anyone can be for socialism given its track record of failure. However, I got a good insight on socialism recently. I returned from a trip to Asia* this week. During a visit to Vietnam, a local man told me, “Following reunification in 1975, we were socialist. You know what socialism is? It’s where if I work hard and you don’t work at all, we both get the same thing. So why should anyone work hard? In the mid 1990s, the government allowed people to prosper and things are much better now.”

    I can understand how some politicians and academics would favor socialism. They want to have the power and run everything because they think they know more than anyone else. I think the rest are the people who don’t want to work and to get free stuff from everyone else. So, parasites and eggheads favor socialism but anyone with a brain knows it’s a road to nowhere.

    * I visited China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore. Just an observation, I’d say that China and Vietnam are some of the most capitalist countries anywhere. Their governments may be communist (perhaps in name only) but the people aren’t. It seems everyone was trying to run a sideline business and sell stuff.

  5. Perhaps China in particular is inadvertently replaying the early history of Western capitalism, Larry. In the 16th through 18th centuries in Europe, economic liberty was widespread and substantial, but political power was still confined largely to an aristocracy mostly focussed on maintaining its privilege and squabbling within itself. So long as they could siphon off enough value from the prospering peasantry to steadily improve their standard of living, they were content to allow their economic freedom.

    That is, perhaps human nature means that democracy is ultimately antithetical to a free market, and the latter can only exist in the lag time between when an aristocracy realizes allowing the peasants to open businesses is good for tax revenues, and when the newly enriched burgher class begins to demand the vote, so they can also vote themselves the sweat of other people’s brows.

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