29 thoughts on “A Civil War”

  1. I guess the Republicans are representing all the people, which is a good thing since the Democrats aren’t representing anyone at all.

  2. I guess we have crossed a civility tipping point when the normally mild-mannered Tennessee law professor, Glenn Reynolds the Instapundit, is using, let’s say, certain vulger language on his Web site.

  3. I think this situation in Madison, it’s being spread nationwide by the MSM pushing it and the Presidents backing of the teachers shows just how the left is willing to, quite literally, destroy the country to get their way. They’d rather take everyone in WI down in an economic collapse than give up any portion of their current pay scale, job security and retirement.

    This has NOTHING to do ‘with the kids’. Not one kid alive ever got a better education because Miss Crabapple knew she was set for life because of her union contract.

    Lying, cheating, stealing, destroying property and playing hooky IS the New Leftist Civility. Then again, how is any of that new for them?

    If you let them have their way, even when they are in the minority position, you get typical Democrat, nasty, name calling, mean spirited “civility”. This is precisely the time where they say conservatives / Republicans want to starve children, kill old people, murder entire species and make ALL fresh water disappear from the earth’s surface.

    If you DO NOT let them have their way, and remind them that they are in the minority position, based on the voters wishes last November, they will just destroy everything in their path, in order to cause so much trouble and dissension that the Republicans will (hopefully) give in. It’s the same way spoiled children act when they don’t get a new toy!

    I can tell you it’s a good thing I’m not the Governor up there. I say treat them like a child throwing a tantrum. Let the spankings begin!

    I’d be arresting every union type who I had on video using words and phrases like ‘destroy’, ‘bloody’, ‘kill’, ‘burn down’, etc, and I’d charge them with old fashioned “Creating Mayhem Statutes”.

    Every teacher that presented a ‘sick day’ note for those days where they were protesting, that I had clearly visible on video AT the protests, would be fired. Most union contracts HAVE clauses dealing with cheating or lying to get sick time.

    I might be a one term governor for being a notorious hard ass. But the budget would be balanced and the schools would be in better shape when I left.

  4. So what do all you wonderful nonviolents propose we do now, now that the enemy has initiated violence and taken over the WI capitol building?

    I’m sure that Michael Medved, stating in his high tenor voice that this proves that the Democrats are hypocrites, will solve the problem. Maybe we can get a “then and now” set of Democrat statements, which of course will get them to surrender.

    When the rapes start, we can point out that they are violating the feminist code. That should do the trick.

  5. It might be useful if the Tea Party paid for the bus tickets needed to get the G7 anarchist rent-a-mob protestors to Madison, WI. It would be a shame to lose such a beautiful Capitol building, but sacrifices sometimes have to be made.

  6. It might be useful if the Tea Party paid for the bus tickets needed to get the G7 anarchist rent-a-mob protestors to Madison, WI.

    Isn’t that like Estonia outsourcing its national defense to the Russians?

    The G7 rent-a-mob would leave the capital alone and level every last McDonald’s.

  7. It would seem that democracy has at last won the day, though it will take a while for things to settle down.

    Moving forward I think the following general issue still needs to be addressed as it came up many times during the discourse:

    “Warren Buffet complained that he paid a 17.7% tax rate on his $46 million of taxable income in 2006, while his employees paid an average 32.9% tax rate (his receptionist’s tax rate was 30%).”

    An effective flat income tax rate at these higher levels would have little detrimental effect on the economy and would greatly undermine some of the comments which have been made, and which will continue to be made, in defense of public sector unions. Address this income tax disparity and the “fat cat” accusations will lose water.

    Unions were initially created to counter balance business monopolies. Lose the perception (the reality mostly disappeared long ago) of business monopolies and corrupt business practices, and the parasitic (as opposed to symbiotic) union movement will eventually die. The class war angle is going to be pushed, and any potentially rational basis/sound bite for it needs to be preemptively diffused.

  8. An effective flat income tax rate

    No such thing because it’s too easy to hide income. A flat consumption tax however… Not a VAT.

    Schtumpy, the only way to counter the effectiveness of the spoiled brat brigades is to have real adults in charge. Not many of those exist.

  9. When the rapes start,

    then we’ll talk about whether it’s time to meet force with force.

    Except, only someone who’s never been to Wisconsin could expect it to be anything like Egypt.

  10. Where’s Bob and Chris? These aren’t college kids, these are TEACHERS (spit). Walker should tell the police chief, you clear it up or I will. Where’s the fire chief? Locking the doors is a code violation.

  11. I’m surprised that, the Wisconsin GOP didn’t pass every uber-conservative, non-fiscal bill they could cram through the legislature in the last 3 weeks. That might have brought the Dems back. And even if it didn’t it might set the stage for growth in the state.

  12. Brother Titus, I love ya. You have both a clever wit and the ability to make such an incisive point. I am in awe of what Rand has done over the years in bringing so many of such people together here.

  13. “So what do all you wonderful nonviolents propose we do now, now that the enemy has initiated violence and taken over the WI capitol building?”

    Sit back and watch the movement implode as the public becomes more aware of the tactics Obama and the unions are using.

    Now, if only the MSM would actually show the dirtier side of the protests instead of portraying everything as wonderful smelling unicorn farts.

  14. “Warren Buffet complained that he paid a 17.7% tax rate on his $46 million of taxable income in 2006, while his employees paid an average 32.9% tax rate (his receptionist’s tax rate was 30%).”

    Well, Warren, there’s nothing stopping you from paying 30% too. Put up or shut up.

  15. Oh look, the moby’s back. How’s that harpoon scar?

    I’d venture to guess that I’ve done more for the conservative cause in the past year, in terms of campaigning for candidates, than you’ve done in a lifetime. Yes, I’ve been known to get a bit irrational at times, but it’s no more harmful to the cause than your “we’re doomed so let’s give up and have a beer” curmudgeon act.

  16. “Warren Buffet complained that he paid a 17.7% tax rate on his $46 million of taxable income in 2006, while his employees paid an average 32.9% tax rate (his receptionist’s tax rate was 30%).”

    Well, Warren, there’s nothing stopping you from paying 30% too. Put up or shut up.

    Alternatively, what is stopping his secretary from only paying 17.7%?

    Obviously Warren Buffet is a very isolated case, but indicative of the general reality. What I am simply arguing for here is a level playing field. Fiscally this would be fairly insignificant, however, as a token gesture, it would undermine yet one more argument that public sector unions are using to rile the masses. In the court of public opinion, the wealthy need to be seen as not receiving any unfair advantages if unions are to be denied their unfair advantages.

  17. So what do all you wonderful nonviolents propose we do now, now that the enemy has initiated violence and taken over the WI capitol building?

    Ken, we use the rule of law. Criminal acts such as vandalism or assault are still illegal even in protests. Going to jail and/or paying fines is a more effective way to fight violence, than to counter with violence. Keep in mind that many members of public unions also work under morality clauses. They can lose their jobs for criminal behavior.

    Also, it’s worth noting that the people committing the violence may well be imports or professional agitators. That’s ammunition against the public labor unions.

  18. Earlier today I quickly found Wisconsin Code 13.26

    …Each house may punish as a contempt, by imprisonment, a breach of its privileges or the privileges of its members; but only for one or more of the following offenses:

    Disorderly conduct in the immediate view of either house or of any committee thereof and directly tending to interrupt its proceedings.

    Giving or offering a bribe to a member, or attempting by menace or other corrupt means or device to control or influence a member’s vote or to prevent the member from voting.

    The term of imprisonment a house may impose under this section shall not extend beyond the same session of the legislature.

  19. Barbara Skolaut Says:

    “Well, Warren, there’s nothing stopping you from paying 30% too. Put up or shut up.”

    Here in the People’s Republic of MA, the State income tax form has a block that you can check which requests that the state tax you at a higher rate.

    Yes indeedy.

    And do you think that the pols and solons in the legislature, who raise our taxes and ignore referenda requiring the tax rate to be lower, check that box for themselves?

    No, indeedy

  20. Yes, I’ve been known to get a bit irrational at times, but it’s no more harmful to the cause than your “we’re doomed so let’s give up and have a beer” curmudgeon act.

    My wha–?

    And as for all the “help” you say you’ve given conservative candidates — I don’t remember any political campaigns based on claiming the Democrat opponents want to rape and murder everyone who opposes them. Maybe they were drowned out by all the screeching from leftists about how Republicans and other conservatives are violent thugs who want to kill their opponents (and probably also rape them and skin them and wear their clothes, not necessarily in that order).

  21. So what do all you wonderful nonviolents propose we do now, now that the enemy has initiated violence and taken over the WI capitol building?

    I am not a wonderful nonviolent but I say: let ’em have it. Stop paying for utilities. Without police to keep order, without my tax money to keep that stone barn heated it’s going to get real smelly and cold.

    A object lesson to the insanity off people on that side of the aisle trying to run a civilization.

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