Democrat hysteria and hyperbole over modest budget cuts reaches new highs. Or lows:
“The mean-spirited bill, H.R. 1 … eliminates the National Endowment of the Humanities, National Endowment of the Arts,” said Reid. “These programs create jobs. The National Endowment of the Humanities is the reason we have in northern Nevada every January a cowboy poetry festival. Had that program not been around, the tens of thousands of people who come there every year would not exist.”
Who knew that these benighted cowboy poetry afficianados were not only dependent on Washington for their rodeo clown fix, but their very existence?
[Update a while later]
Yippi-ki-o, yipp-ki-a, cowboy poets on the dole.
What, so if the NEA didn’t provide the money, cowboys wouldn’t write poetry and wouldn’t gather to read it?
That’s either a true or false statement. If false — they’d write it anyway, and figure out some way to share it — then the NEA’s involvement here is superfluous. If true — they don’t consider this stuff sufficiently important to spend their own money on it, and wouldn’t do it if the government didn’t foot the bill — then this is a criminal waste of my tax money.
Either way, screw Harry Reid and his “generosity” with my money. If he loves the cowboy poetry so much, let him donate his own money. I’d like to keep mine to pay my kid’s college tuition.
Cowboy poetry festival?
Tell Iowahawk to hang it up. He can’t top that. I thought this was a link to him for a minute.
This one is even more alarming:
Well, now I have to oppose budget cuts, lest people simply vanish as a result.
Oh, and if you haven’t listened to cowboy poetry, don’t knock it. I learned some important lessons from cowboy poetry, such as, check for rattlesnakes before you go to take a dump, and don’t drink from a creek unless you’ve seen what’s upstream.
Yoda to Harry: This is why you fail…
It didn’t take NEH funding to get me to listen to Chris Ledoux. I’m pretty sure they didn’t fund the concerts I went to in college, because I doubt they would have served beer that cheap if the government was involved. Ah, I miss penny pitcher nights.
The last time the Republicans attempted to cut the NEA, Hillary rose up and said they were killing Shakespeare in the park for generations of children. Poppycock, I know, but it was effective enough to stop it happening.
If they’re going to cut something like this then the Republicans need to run their own information tactics or they’re doomed. Maybe ads asking why taxpayers have to subsidize left wing art prop.
So if Congress cuts funding to NEH, will Thomas “I proudly cast my vote for Harry Reid because I’m a Republican” Matula still exist?
IF these are real COWBOY poets, they are NOT looking for nor are they expecting a federal dime to read their poetry. They’ll read it in bars, on street corners, around camp fires, etc. etc, etc. Hell, real cowboys will bring their own wood for the campfire. Real cowboys are self sufficient, and proud to be that way. They swap an honest days work for an honest days pay. And there ain’t nuthin’ honest about a buncha’ D.C., pantywaist, federal grant grubbin’, leftists, pilgrim!
If said poet is not living that self sufficiency ethic, said poet is just a dude in a funny western style hat!!
I’m guessing there is a lot of serious cowboy poetry humping going on at these events for that statement to be true. And THAT’s how LITTLE cowboys, LITTLE cowgirls and LITTLE cowLGBT’s get here buckaroo!!
YEEE HAAAAaaaaaaa!!
Schtumpy wins. I mean, “cowLGBT’s?” I got nothing to top that.
Republicans are marketing FAIL.
Half of the pet projects are deeply beloved by people who actually have real wealth. Privatize/auction them the hell off. Revoke all of the governmental aspects (police powers, eminent domain, regulatory authority, whatever) and sell what’s left. NPR is simultaneously claiming “No, we’re not a government agency! Our funding is miniscule relative to our budget!” and… “But that funding is crucial.” Figure out what slices are actually controlled by government – even if it just boils down to “naming rights” and put them on the block.
Thank you Harry Reid for your cowperson comment. I no longer feel as ashamed as I once did having lived in a state which elected Ted Kennedy for life.
Harry Reid is “All Hat and no Cow” as the Texans say it.
Al, it is a hard sell – that’s part of the reason we got into this spot to begin with.
As others mention, to some degree – ok, that’s interesting that interesting that there is a cowboy poetry festival; how much did you spend to get this together? Are you STILL spending money on it? Do you need to be?
Personally, I think … funding of arts is good, but for a lot of tax payers that don’t make a lot of money, I’m not sure it’s a good use of their money.
What’s funny is that most of the Cowboy Poets probably voted for Sharon Angle 🙂
Newsweek went for $1.
Every random ‘National XYZ’ that you put up for auction, that fails to even reach $1, means every single time Harry Reid or anyone else ever whined about it, the comeback is pre-written. “You were too cheap to buy it for a dollar, stop asking the tax-payers to pay for your toys. Are you in the me-generation?”
So if it sells, -> money & axed. If it doesn’t sell, axed.
And don’t forget the classic, “That ain’t a cow you just milked…” bit of eloquent prose.
What’s really frightening here is the domino effect: If the cowboy poetry festival gets the chop, who’s to say that the underwater basket weaving festival of Lower MudPuddle won’t be next?
And I agree with an above post; Reid saying that the attendees would not exist is just… there are no words.
Iowahawk and The Onion just can’t match Reid…. he’s the most outlandish parody of senator ever!
BTW, looks like Sharon Angle supporters are the only ones getting federal welfare.
Sam Stein HuffPost Reporting
Wisconsin State Senate Republicans Took Hundreds Of Thousands In Government Farm Subsidies
[[[WASHINGTON — At least three of the Wisconsin state Senate Republicans currently demanding that public workers sacrifice benefits, wages and even collective bargaining rights for the sake of the budget have applied for and received hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal farm subsidies, a Huffington Post review of state and federal records shows. ]]]
I wonder how more Tea Party legislators are also on the public dole while claiming to be against government spending 🙂
Hey guys, listen to my desperate rant about Sharon Angle!
Guys? Guys? …
“I wonder how more Tea Party legislators are also on the public dole while claiming to be against government spending ”
just because they’re rethuglicans doesn’t make ’em small fed. gov’t peeps douchenozzle
I just wonder how many Democrats aren’t on the dole? Can’t be that many.
In that case, I suppose if funding gets cut they’ll have to move the festival to Brokeback Mountain.
No, what’s funny is Harry Reid is whoring for people that wouldn’t vote for him on a bet.
[[[No, what’s funny is Harry Reid is whoring for people that wouldn’t vote for him on a bet.]]]
Yes, imagine, he is being a Senator for ALL the people of Nevada, not just his party. Which is of course his job, to represent the entire State, not just his party in Congress.
But that is something a Tea Party supporter would not understand. Which is why the Tea Party is failing at governing. Look at the fight starting in Florida between the Tea Party and the Tea Party 🙂
March 7, 2011
Florida Republicans Are at Odds With Their Leader
[[[“The governor doesn’t understand there is a State Constitution and that we have three branches of government,” said State Senator Mike Fasano, a Republican from New Port Richey who upset Mr. Scott with rough handling of his staff during a testy committee hearing. “They are talking about the attitude that he is still the C.E.O. of his former health care corporation, and that is not going to work in this state, in Tallahassee, in my district. The people believe in three branches of government.” ]]]
Yep, time to pop some popcorn and which the meltdown start.
Titus Quinn,
Don’t worry, she may be raising from the Dead now that Senator Ensign is not running.
But I wonder what see will do with Glen Beck’s support?
The Media Equation
The Fading Power of Beck’s Alarms
Published: March 6, 2011
[[[But a funny thing happened on the way from the revolution. Since last August, when he summoned more than 100,000 followers to the Washington mall for the “Restoring Honor” rally, Mr. Beck has lost over a third of his audience on Fox — a greater percentage drop than other hosts at Fox. True, he fell from the great heights of the health care debate in January 2010, but there has been worrisome erosion — more than one million viewers — especially in the younger demographic.]]]
Yep, more evidence the Tea Party will soon be over…
“imagine, he is being a Senator for ALL the people of Nevada,”
like bumblef**k is the precedent of the ALL the peeps of the usa.
industrial grade stupid
I’d like to propose that we go back to the old model of supporting poets and other artists: rich people who are so inclined can keep one around for their amusement. The really good ones can go freelance and sell their art to less rich people who happen to like that kind of thing. I don’t mind if city governments that want to attract businesses to their town decide to subsidize a symphony or an art museum. Heck they build football stadiums. But I really can’t figure out any reason why there has to be a National Endowment for anything.
You are wasting your time quoting The Old Gay Lady. Nobody who is serious pays attention to them any more.
A couple of years ago a telemarketer called me, trying to sell me a subscription. I politely replied, “I don’t have a puppy or a bird, so I have no use for the New York Times.”
So now I’m even more interested in cutting NEH funding.
I wonder how more Tea Party legislators are also on the public dole while claiming to be against government spending
I wonder how many wealthy Democrats — George Soros? John Kerry? Michael Moore? — who agitate for much higher taxes fail to write any big checks voluntarily to the Treasury?
I wonder whether Al Gore bicycles to work and takes trains everywhere long distance to minimize his greenhouse emissions?
I wonder how many of those opposed to school choice — Barack Obama! — for the middle and lower class send their kids to private school, because they’ve got the money?
Say, this is easy, Thomas! Let’s wind up with: I wonder how many of those who condemn hypocrisy as the highest sin are themselves hypocrites?
…except the ones who don’t think their federal taxes should go to fund poetry readings.
Or, you know, people who work in/go to legal brothels.
Or people who know that you can go to prison for not complying with our “voluntary” tax system.
Or for that matter, people who live on earth mentally as well as physically.
Ha-ha-ha! The sudden departure of Ron Schiller from NPR and his statement that they might be better off without government support is almost too rich to be true.
You’d think, after the first one or two video gotchas (a la ACORN) were released, the lefties who run these taxpayer funded outfits would have wised up.
Nah, they’re smarter than we are, there’s no way we could pull the wool over their eyes again.
Look at the fight starting in Florida between the Tea Party and the Tea Party
You don’t get it… that’s a good thing Thomas. The governor is doing what he was elected to do. So he hits a few foul balls, good for him taking the swing. In the process he’s flushing out the RINOs.
ALL GOOD. You made my day. Thank you so much.
That’s the good fight Thomas. All that smart maneuvering that you like gave us McCain and Dole and GWB… oh, and your guy Reid? There’s always another angle. Mene, Mene, Tekel Parsin
It’s over, folks; when Matula can quote authoritative sources like The Huffington Post and Salon in support of his position, how can we stand against it?
I doubt any of the “cowboy poets” know which end of the cow the poetry comes out of.
Another one bites the dust.
Maybe Schilling can find Sheen and they can discuss how they are winning.
Holy cow. Not Schilling, but Schiller; but not Ron “I’ll take $5 million from Muslim Brotherhood” Schiller, but Vivian “Juan Williams is a bigot” Schiller. And the two Schiller’s are apparently not related.
Would these people exist without NEH funding?
cowqueers is THHHHOOO homophobic thounding. Ergo the term cowLGBT’s.
(taking a bow, taking another bow)
did you see Sheen’s ‘show’ last night? He’s been repeatedly piss tested and they come back negative. And that’s the Hollywood Media shows doing the tests. They’d love to catch him dirty, just to report it.
If he’s not dirty drug wise, the only other explanation is that he has had or is having TIA’s. Stroke(s) would explain the attitude, the nonsensical speech and the differences in his facial features.
I’ve seen that and more in family members post TIA’s. And given his crazy lifestyle, he’s a candidate.
I didn’t watch the Sheen show. And to be fair, I’ve only seen coverage of his actions. Much of that coverage is from media sources I wouldn’t trust to tell me the truth about the direction the sun rises. However regarding whether his actions are driven by physiological episodes or drugs; waving a machette and yelling “it’s war and I’ll win” isn’t something an employee should say to their employer. If you or I did something like that; we’d be fired too, and nobody would ever care more than 15 minutes what caused us to do it.
Really, Sheen’s biggest problem is that whatever his current situation; his previous history of his given crazy lifestyle doesn’t buy him any sympathy for other consideration. But, I think there is a good chance he didn’t receive funding from NEH.
How do you pronounce that? Hmm. “Cow-leg-butts.”
Apparently this is appealing to 63 yr old Connecticut men. NEH funding may have helped, but he had to make do since brothels are illegal in CT.
Ranchers and their children touch cows in that way because it’s required for artificial insemination. Teenage children need to learn these things because they take over the family ranch. It makes you wonder if there isn’t more to the story.
Yeah, if you check my comments at Althouse, you’ll see I suggest Mike Roe is a serial rapist not restricted to any given breed.
Der Schtumpy,
So I tried to watch the Sheen Korner. I made about 90 seconds. I didn’t see any signs of damage from TIA, but I don’t have a recent baseline. Anyway, the 90 seconds seemed rather contrived arrogance that might be funny if that was the intention (say a SNL skit). Otherwise, I found it boring. I rather watch Major League again that watch the next 7 minutes.
But its the Tea Party folks who are trying to claim the moral high ground, while demonstrating its all about self-interest.
Any tea party folk in particular claiming the moral high ground or that just mud slinging?
What exactly is wrong with self interest? Is this more hypocrisy?