So, Illinois is sitting pretty. It’s chasing out all of those annoying whiny greedy businesses to Wisconsin and Indiana, due to its rapacious tax and spending policies, but that’s not the best part. It’s now importing cowardly and corrupt Democrat politicians from both those states, on the off chance that its home-grown supply runs dry. It’s a win-win!
I disagree, though, that this is the right Monty Python reference. It’s this one.
What a shame that In fact, both Wisconsin and Indiana have higher corporate income-tax rates than Illinois’ – even after the new increase. Somehow I doubt that many companies are going to relocate to a higher-tax state.
Oh my…Chris…you wrote…a post…against higher corporate taxes!
[wipes tears from eyes]
Please stop…my sides are splitting
Wait ’til I tell Martha…
Jiminator – facts are funny things, pun intended. They are true even if you don’t like them.
Yes, but Chris, you also said:
“Somehow I doubt that many companies are going to relocate to a higher-tax state.”
Are we permitted to quote you when the argument arrives of why Texas doesn’t have the same unemployment problem California does? Or will you excitedly cry Oh but that’s DIFFERENT! Bets, anyone?
Texas has low unemployment because oil is relatively booming. I remember the oil bust of the 1990s and Texans moving to California.
Chris, California is also an oil producing state. In 2009 California produced approximately 275 million barrels of oil. Texas did produce more oil during that period, around 350 million barrels.
So you are saying the primary cause of the disparity in unemployment rates between Texas and California is their difference in oil production?
Then you remember something that didn’t happen, Chris. (Why am I not surprised?) In the 2000 Census Texas was ranked #8 in percentage growth in population (23% in the 1990s), while California was ranked #18 (14% in the 1990s).
This leads to the question, why in the hell did Boeing move their corporate headquarters to Illinois, oh wait, it was rapacious taxes in Washington state!
Yeah, I went with the latter: