I really appreciate the shopping that people have been doing at my Amazon link (over there in the left sidebar) — it really helps reduce the stocking coalage, especially the Kindles (though the cameras and printers and laptops are great, too).
But for that Tea Partier in the family, all of Bill Whittle’s Firewall videos have been compiled into a DVD, so it’s a great stocking stuffer, too. I don’t get a direct cut, but I’d like to see Declaration Entertainment succeed, because I’d like to do well by doing good consulting with things like the solar fiction movie that Bill wants to make.
[Update a while later]
If anyone else is having trouble using the Amazon box, like my commenter, this link should work.
The Amazon link to help you out doesn’t seem to work in Firefox. So, I use IE to make my Amazon purchases. No biggie, just FYI.
Works in Firefox for me, at least in Linux.
Good timing on the reminder! I was going to buy my wife’s Christmas presents tonight anyway.
Order placed.
If those new Kindle buyers are looking for something for their new readers, I’ve got just the thing: In the Shadow of Ares. (Note: the title refers to the planet, not the Constellation rockets.)
Rand, does it take a special link to make that put change in your affiliate tip jar?
Sadly, it does. But here
it is, for those so inclined.
I should add that I recommend it, not because I’ve read it but because, well, it’s Thomas James…
Cool. Thanks, Rand.
Bill Whittle for President.