By voting the fascists out in a few weeks.
More thoughts here:
Zero tolerance for expressing an opinion, or offering an explanation to policyholders? They’re more subtle than this in Caracas.
and here:
Secretary Sebelius’ Hugo Chavezesque threats against the health insurance industry demonstrate why the fight to repeal Obamacare is also the fight for the soul of our country. Obamacare and the progressive movement represent a fundamental threat to our founding principles. For the left, “progress” means fundamentally transforming America through bureaucratic dictates that will engineer a “better” society by assuring equal outcomes. Through Obamacare, progressives would redistribute wealth through a distant, patronizing welfare state that regulates more and more of the economy, politics and society. The question Americans face is: Are we a country ruled by law or by bureaucrat?
Time to take the country back.
To paraphrase Secretary Sebelius, “Nice little insurance company you have here. It’d be a shame if anything bad happened to it.”
After all, that’s the Chicago Way.
Yeah, if she thinks I’m going to buy her insurance policy now, she can cram it up her arse.
In today’s Albuquerque Journal:
Top of the front page: (from the Washington Post) “Border Agency Betrayed From Within”
Page C1 top headline: “Cops: Probation Officer Sold [clean urianalysis] Tests”
I know this is the wrong crowd here, but can somebody please explain why so many people seem to think that government employees running everything like healthcare would somehow be better than private employees? Do people think that when someone is hired by the government they are touched with a magic wand and made kind, efficient, and honest? I’ve seen some a few government workers who dodged that wand. At least if the workers in a private business are dishonest I don’t have to do business with them.
why do so many people think government employees running everything like healthcare would somehow be better than private employees?
My guesses based on previous conversations with the reality based community:
1. Government workers are not concerned with the evil profit motive.
2. Everything would be okay if the guy in charge could just “fix things” . To do that you have to have all the society’s levers of power in the govs hands.
3. You can’t rely on ordinary people to do the right thing. They’re dangerous fools and morons.
K forgot to turn the snark button off.
Oh, I don’t think he “forgot”, Mr. Wolf…
You mean he really believes that stuff? Astonishing. Must have escaped his handlers.
Past year = = > Hayek right, Keynes wrong. QED
I can’t believe an appeals court will find this abomination legal.
We are going to see the end of private health insurance very soon, I fear.
Lifetime limits will be banned starting next week. The guy in the linked article has capped out twice in the past seven years (though it could have been worse), because of his $900,000 per year Factor 8 prescription for hemophilia. Yep, $900,000 per year. Ending caps and holding premiums constant for the poor insurance company that’s stuck with this unfortunate guy will spell its demise in nothing flat…
Yeah, looks like the data will bear out the Olcott Hypothesis…
Titus, your link is broken. What is the Olcott hypothesis?
Still works for me, but for sake of clarity:
To revisit mpthompson’s analogy though, I’m thinking Obamacare may well have been the ‘Allahu Akbar’ moment.
Or the “Germans bombing Pearl Harbor” moment?
No wait, that would be after we find out that we’re under Double Secret Probation…