I think that, at this point, the SPLC should be relegated to the historical dustbin of conspiracy loons. And they’ll probably be very disappointed when the people start to take the country back in a few weeks without a shot fired.
10 thoughts on “Desperation”
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I hope this means that we’ll eventually see an end to the exploitability of this sort of bigotry. It won’t happen because groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center saw reason (they apparently get a lot of donations by not seeing reason), but because they cried wolf way too many times.
Imagine a bunch of rednecks get control of congress and decide that smaller government means turning of the spigot of tax payer funds going to every organization out there, liberal or conservative, and the only ones that could remain are the ones citizens actually support directly with their own donations.
Follow that with elimination of all the do nothing (in terms of their charter) departments.
I think I just felt Chris Mathews tingle.
…or a bunch of little old ladies with molotov cocktails… that works too.
I think it’s just fine if the SPLC thinks the Tea Party folks are capable of a violent uprising. That way, if it does get crazy, they can consider themselves as having been forewarned. I think you might see many Tea Party members WILLING to protect themselves with guns. But I don’t see them as a threat.
I pray that there is no violence coming to the country.
But if Americans keep getting pushed into poverty by the policies of an electorate that seemingly not only doesn’t care, but forces laws / programs on us that the majority doesn’t want, there could be another revolution.
If not a full scale revolution, certainly what happened in Greece, could happen here. Food, money and housing riots. And smarter people than I’ll ever be said it’s coming before the 2012 elections.
Gerald Celente is a smart, smart man. But it seems no one is listening.
Greece looks to me like it’s headed for some species of outright dictatorship.
Paul D,
the difference in HERE and Greece is precisely what SPLC, DNC, liberals in general fear the most.
And our founders TOLD us to keep them to FIGHT a dictatorship.
The SPLC is under contract to the FBI to spy on any group the SPLC finds evidence of racist activity in, so naturally, they are going to find racism in every right wing group they look at, as that maximizes their revenue stream.
The SPLC itself estimates that at least 10% of the membership of the KKK are SPLC informants. One should thus conclude that the KKK is actually an SPLC controlled organization, therefore SPLC is a racist group that the FBI needs to monitor.
I wonder to what extent the SPLC is taxpayer funded? It’s time to end that kind of thievery. I would include what the union does with members dues.
Good question, Ken. I’d also like an answer to that, as well as how much taxpayer money goes to other so-called non-profits and NGOs. Some are good, some are bad, and others are indifferent. I’d like to see a complete listing with accountabilty as to what we’re supposedly getting for the money.
The SPLC isn’t going away soon. If no one else, the moron Hollywood left will be sending the bucks their way to “fight racism”.
I have no objection to how a hollywood twit spends their money. I do have a great objection to financing Acorn (by any name) and a zillion other organizations. A billion here, a billion there and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.
I also suspect, without our financial support, they’d all go the way of Air America or whatever they called that short lived radio network.
The thing to watch out for in 2012 is interstate busloads to swing key elections. We don’t seem to have any stomach for stopping rampant foreign donations on mickey mouses credit cards.