Dems fear Republican oversight:
I asked Issa’s staff for a list of the issues on which Issa has spent the most time in the 18 months Obama has been in office. First is mortgage giant Countrywide’s favoritism in granting sweetheart loans to lawmakers, congressional staffers and executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Second is the Securities and Exchange Commission’s civil case against Goldman Sachs. Third is the Obama administration’s response to the Gulf oil spill. Fourth is the administration’s handling of the Home Affordable Modification Program, which is supposed to help struggling mortgage holders keep their homes. And fifth is the Treasury Department’s management of TARP money for the so-called “hardest hit” housing markets.
And that doesn’t even mention the lawlessness at the Justice Department.
Amazing. “Does anyone remember Clinton with his hands in the cookie jar? They could go after all of us?” Because they’ve all got their hands in the jar.
Would Issa be able to look into the issues surrounding Franken’s election, or is that settled at this point?
I used to watch (and often laugh pretty hard at) Franken on SNL way back, and I still have trouble wrapping my brain around the concept that he really is a United States Senator.
I saw that article from another site, and your heading was exactly my first thought.
Now here’s the interesting thing, will all the people telling us the merits of regulation take issue with Congressional oversight of the Administration?
If they do take issue and complain, will they still call themselves liberal?
Bah. Investigations into who did what are the second step to these things. The first is to start – and finish! – hacking back the tentacles Washington’s been sending into our lives for longer than most of us have been alive. McCain thought it’d take a hatchet, Obama said a scalpel. We should start with chainsaws and work our way up from there. After that, then we can worry about fingerpointing and holding those responsible for this fine mess accountable. If the GOP goes into recriminations before repairs, we’ll know where their priorities lie.
As to the GOP leadership prematurely measuring drapes, well, it reminds me of something a medieval veteran told a “recruit” in one of Flint and Drake’s “Belisarius” novels (paraphrased from memory so forgive if it’s a slight bit off) :
“Never count a battle won until you’ve paid for your first drink at the victory party. Paid for it mind, idiot boy – looted wine is a fool’s bargain.”