Wow, it’d be hard to find a more Caucasian demographic than the JournoList, other than the MSNBC host lineup and the burglars in the Broadview Security commercials. They’re probably racists.
[Update Sunday morning]
Was Sharrod pushed out by a bunch of West-Wing white guys?
See, I told you — racists all.
[Update a few minutes later]
The Obama administration doesn’t know when to hold or fold the race card.
They’re probably just more comfortable with, as Shirley Sherrod would say, their “own kind.”
other than the MSNBC host lineup and the burglars in the Broadview security commercials
Ironically, they are all now on my blacklist.
Speaking of racism, is it ME, or is there a Jewish conspiracy here?
How many Klein’s, Ackerman’s and Goldsteain’s, Schreiber, Shapiro, ETC, before WE (as conservative non-Jews) can say it’s JEWS who (want to) run the media and who (want to) run the world?
I’m not going National Socialism, Final Solution here…but IF 1/3 of any group is white, right-wing and Christian (God forbid), or their family ever owned a Bible, then it’s DAN-GER-OUS and needs shutting down. Well, WTF is the difference!?
…just sayin’
It almost makes you wonder if demons have a twisted perversion for manipulating the minds of the Jewish?
One good thing is this is a real time saver. If you want their opinion you just have to read any one of them.
Someone should make a web application that allows people to email all of these persons employers at once, since they are of one mind, to express our ire at the manipulation going on and demanding they be fired en masse.
It almost makes you wonder if demons have a twisted perversion for manipulating the minds of the Jewish?
“Demons” in this context meaning what exactly?
“How many Klein’s, Ackerman’s and Goldsteain’s, Schreiber, Shapiro, ETC, before WE (as conservative non-Jews) can say it’s JEWS who (want to) run the media and who (want to) run the world?”
Don’t forget those Simbergs. Sneaky devils! Hey Rand, did they ever invite you onto Journolist?
Cue Groucho, saying he wouldn’t be a member of any club that would have him…
“it’s JEWS who (want to) run the media and who (want to) run the world?”
Of all the ridiculous… geez… what the hell, do you immediately trip a red flag any time you see a Jewish name? Jesus Christ was a Jew. Get over it.
This group colluded to distort and shape the news for the benefit of the Democrat party under the guise of impartiality. Although almost everyone is white (so far), it wouldn’t matter if the listserv was ethnically representative of America. They acted unethically and possibly criminally under RICO.
Which was sort of Rand’s point: that to be consistent with Progressive ideas one would have to conclude the group is racist simply due to the skin colors of the members of the group. The irony meter has to peg when that becomes “oh my gosh it’s worse than we thought there’s some Jews in there – it’s not just a possibly-criminal conspiracy, it’s not even just a racist conspiracy, it’s a possibly-criminal racist Jewish conspiracy!”
Does anyone know why only 62 names are given when over 400 are actually part of the list?
These mugshots Looks like a ballot for selecting whose picture would best fit the “liberal wiennie” entry in Mirriam-Webster. I vote for Ackerman.
I was just applying the SAME silly standard THEY of the MslimeM use against anything or anyone or any group, THEY deem bad or offensive.
A.) I have nothing against anyone who is Jewish.
B.) It’s an idiot standard that has been used AGAINST the Jews for thousands of years, so you’d think they’d know better.
C.) My rant elicited exactly the response I expected. Now I’M the racist, by using their idiot criteria.
Odd that.
Time to calibrate your Ironimeter…
In the modern view, we all struggle with our personal demons which are thoughts that are self destructive. This is a watered down view of the traditional demons as fallen angels that are manipulative and malicious.
It’s been noted many times, that liberal Jews seem to take positions that are counter to their welfare and even survival. This seems especially odd since as a group they are among the most intelligent of us.
I’m going after those Jews, the Icebergs. They sunk the Titanic, gave us crappy lettuce, I mean REALLY.
Der Schtumpy, I suspected an invisible /sarc tag in your post. Dammit, now my ironimeter is completely broken, and finding replacement parts will be pretty much impossible.
“These mugshots Looks like a ballot for selecting whose picture would best fit the “liberal wiennie” entry in Mirriam-Webster. I vote for Ackerman.”
Oh, I don’t know. Kate Steadman is kinda cute….
I was just applying (idiotoid) reasoning, as do the Libs on a daily basis.
In the modern view, we all struggle with our personal demons which are thoughts that are self destructive.
Thanks for the clarification.
This is a watered down view of the traditional demons as fallen angels that are manipulative and malicious.
This is where I thought you were coming from. The reason I asked was because in my experience there is very little overlap between fundamentalists and space advocates.
Michelle told an all black audience that she was glad to be back with her own people. Same stuff?
very little overlap between fundamentalists and space advocates.
I’m an odd duck. Quantum physics tells me god has a real sense of humor.
But back on topic… Sorry Rand… The media continues to not only overplay the race card, but their current lies about the situation are so outrageous. Saint Shirley can not stand the light, her closet is full and her words are revealing. The NAACP will lose it’s ability to get a pass on it’s racism if they continue.
They will just assume they’ve won the moral argument with Andrew Breitbart (he’s the racist with an agenda, so we don’t need to look at the facts.) It reminds me of how Geraldo Rivera dismisses Michelle Malkin without ever reading her books. Hmmm… and both on Fox, that racist network.
Bill Maron: That’s the funniest thing I’ve read today. Thanks for the laugh.
The reason I asked was because in my experience there is very little overlap between fundamentalists and space advocates.
Well now you’ve found one, me.
Note the absence of the “Usual Suspects” from this thread and that Mo-Do is contradicting the Usual Suspects on the meme that the firing was all Mr. Vilsack’s doing without any White House interference.
I believe that the Usual Suspects are “regenerating” and waiting for new “programming instructions” on the Party Line prior to their return.
“I believe that the Usual Suspects are ‘regenerating’ and waiting for new ‘programming instructions’ on the Party Line prior to their return.”
Indeed, Pal. I’ve been harboring the same suspicion myself. When Chris Gerrib checks in with us, that will be the signal that the Party Line has been solidified and is ready for dissemination.
I mean, “Paul.” I must have been channelling Jackie Gleason.
Well now you’ve found one, me.
Does your experience differ from mine?
I’ve not seen any hostility towards space, like that towards evolution, on the part of fundamentalists, just disinterest. I’ve asked friends and relatives of mine who are fundamentalists why this is and the answers vary from “the world will end soon anyway” to “space can’t be that important since the Bible clearly doesn’t refer to many worlds and/or alien races in prophecy”.
Jim Davis, that is basically correct. If P is true, then ~P is false. If the Bible makes no mention of the truth value of Q, there’s no motive to debate Q.
“…the Bible clearly doesn’t refer to many worlds and/or alien races in prophecy…”
As a Christian, I disagree with that statement because of John 10:16. Jesus refers to sheep in other flocks / pens / folds, depending on the translation. Many think he meant elsewhere in the universe. I’m one of them.
the meek [teachable] shall inherit the earth
Earth is the garden spot, but there sooo much real estate out there. Does any human really grasp that? Light years between stars. Hundreds of billions of stars per galaxy. Hundreds of billion of galaxies.
It takes a bit over eight minutes for light to reach us from our sun, but there are stars so big that if they replaced our sun the earth would be inside them.
Amazing and difficult to grasp.
Just in our solar system, the earth is just a speck of all the real estate available to us. Six billion people would be nothing compared to those that could live comfortable and wealthy in our solar system… if we don’t follow the socialist model.
“…the Bible clearly doesn’t refer to many worlds and/or alien races in prophecy…”
As a Christian, I disagree with that statement because of John 10:16. Jesus refers to sheep in other flocks / pens / folds, depending on the translation. Many think he meant elsewhere in the universe. I’m one of them.
Are you a fundamentalist, DS?
I ask because while I’ve heard many Catholics and liberal Protestants champion the view that there was a Jesus Christ being sacrificed on every world throughout the universe throughout all time I’ve never met a fundamentalist who held this view. Usually they find belief in Biblical literalness hard to square with billions of Jesus throughout time and space.
Of course, the alternative was that there was just our Jesus and that it is the duty of human Christians to convert races throughout the universe. I’ve never run across anyone willing to defend this position. No doubt the idea of humans trying to convert aliens, many of whom would no doubt be far more advanced than ourselves, seems really far fetched. And no doubt many alien races will be forever beyond the reach of the gospel due to issues of remoteness in space or time.
It’s an interesting subject, but off topic. Perhaps we can persuade Rand to start a new thread? Me, I’d just keep responding, but I’m trying to do the right thing here.
I was raised Catholic, left all organized religion for 25 plus years, and have been back involved for about 15. I can tell you that my Catholic friends would consider me a fundamentalist. My fundamentalist friends would consider me a political right-winger who’s too involved “in the world”, and not enough in Jesus. One of my best friends happens to be my minister, who leads a small congregation, fundamentalist church. But that’s all labels, most often handed out, not taken on by the individual(s).
I would tell you, that although my friend is a “New Earth” believer, he agrees with me, as do most of the thinking Christians I’ve talked to about this. The closed minded fundamentalist thinking I used to hear about, I’ve never found wide spread. It does exist in the older generation, but most of them don’t think Armstrong walked on the moon either.
The closed minded fundamentalist thinking I used to hear about, I’ve never found wide spread.
Agreed 100%. But “closed minded fundamentalist” is the description that many/most non-believers seem to prefer to apply to all Christains.
Jim, only if “your” definition of fundamentalist is limited to those that hold that belief. Other opinions may vary.
that seems to be the accepted definition, by those who believe in nothing.
Jim, only if “your” definition of fundamentalist is limited to those that hold that belief. Other opinions may vary.
Thomas, please don’t put words in my mouth. I have no definition of a fundamentalist or of a space advocate for that matter. I speak only of those who self identify as either or both. It is my experience that there is little overlap between those who identify themselves as fundamentalists and those who identify themselves as space advocates. I’m not suggesting that my experience amounts to a scientific survey or a law of nature. I’m not suggesting that the two groups are mutually exclusive. I’m just stating my experience for what it may be worth. Others’ experiences might be different.
“the meek [teachable] shall inherit the earth”
The rest of us* are going to the stars.
*our descendants anyway.
The rest of us* are going to the stars
I’ve heard that one before, but can’t remember the reference.