It’s pretty pathetic. And as is generally the case with these people, it’s classical projection:
The general manager of her station chimed in with the news that we are all as depraved as she is, so really, get over it:
Sarah was not acting in her position as KCRW Publicity Director when she wrote these comments. She spoke in the heat of the moment without consideration to the impact her words would have. We’ve all said things we didn’t mean and don’t reflect our core values. We believe that was the situation in this case.
We’ve all e-mailed a group of 400 relative stranger with the news that we would laugh like maniacs while watching a man’s eyes bug out as he dies of a heart attack? Seriously? What is in the stuff they are smoking in California, and how could they possibly think of legalizing it?
It reminds me of an old Monty Python sketch (though I guess that’s redundant — it’s not like there are any new ones…):
Well, we psychiatrist have found that over 8% of the population will always be mice, I mean, after all, there’s something of the mouse in all of us. I mean, how many of us can honestly say that at one time or another he hasn’t felt sexually attracted to mice. (linkman looks puzzeld) I know I have. I mean, most normal adolescents go through a stage of squeaking two or three times a day. Some youngsters on the other hand, are attracted to it by its very illegality. It’s like murder – make a thing illegal and it acquires a mystique. (linkman looks increasingly embarrassed) Look at arson – I mean, how many of us can honestly say that at one time or another he hasn’t set fire to some great public building. I know I have. (phone on desk rings; the linkman picks it up but does not answer it) The only way to bring the crime figures down is to reduce the number of offences – get it out in the open – I know I have.
Who among us haven’t fantasied about Rush Limbaugh dying painfully of a heart attack, while we cackled in glee? Why, you’d have to have a heart of stone to imagine Glenn Beck going blind and not take great joy in it.
I have no idea how widespread this fantasy psycho behavior was at the Journolist, or how well it was received. Maybe the Daily Caller could sift their archives and run some denunciations of these sorts of posting. These libs spent years deploring Bush’s macho cowboy act and declared it to be the end of Western Civilization when Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded, so I would like to hope that one or two pushed back against the plate glass window smashing and heart attack eye-bugging.
I’d like to hope so, too. But I sure can’t get into the heads of these kind of people. And I don’t think I want to.
[Update a while later]
“Put up or shut up, Ezra.”
Rand: I really doubt it was a serious as people are making it out to be. Yes there is a lot of hatred of us from the left, but we all know that email lists bring out the worst in people. Just try reading some of the old postings from the eighties. Everyone goes over the top on something sometime. It just shows we are human.
I am not as fussed about the private vitriol as I am about the news manipulation. Now, *that* is something worthy of being very upset and angry about.
I think that the vitriol, private or otherwise, is quite revealing. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t find that kind of talk on a email list of “right-wing” journalists (if such a thing existed). Primarily because, agree with them or not, they tend to be grown ups, at least in my experience.
The astonishing thing is: these are the cream of the journalism “profession.” This isn’t a politician wishing death to the opposition – you kind of expect animosity there. This is the glorious fourth estate, the arbiters, the deciders.
From this article:
Spencer Ackerman even issued a threat:
Lenny Ben-David, you and I will meet someday, face to face. I hope it comes very soon. I promise you it will be an unforgettable experience.
Ackerman is the idiot who writes about shoving people into a plate glass window. If I were the author, I’d make it a point to meet up with that troll and put him on the spot in public. He’s treatening violence against people. Humiliate him as the blowhard punk that he is.
Violent fantasy might be considered an indication of a mental illness. They work collectively to marginalize anyone they hate (why they hate is another question.) Fire needs to be fought with fire. They need to lose. We win, they lose. No exception.
I have to admit, seeing Rangel’s troubles does give me some pleasure. So am I the same as these cockroaches? I don’t think so because I want to see justice, where they want revenge of some sort. I don’t hate Rangel. I just want to see him lose influence, but still hope he has a healthy, happy life. I think that’s a telling difference.
I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t find that kind of talk on a email list of “right-wing” journalists (if such a thing existed).
Are you serious? Have you watched outtakes of Bill O’Reilly? Have you listened to G. Gordon Liddy’s show, or Michael Savage’s? Would you really describe Glenn Beck as a “grown-up”? Do grown up men fake tears on camera?
I haven’t seen anything from Journolist to come close to the violent, racist vitriol from right wing commenters on this very blog.
Violent fantasy might be considered an indication of a mental illness.
these cockroaches
Have you listened to G. Gordon Liddy’s show, or Michael Savage’s?
They are circus performers, not people discussing things on a “right-wing” email list.
I haven’t seen anything from Journolist to come close to the violent, racist vitriol from right wing commenters on this very blog.
My commenters are always talking about shoving people through plate-glass windows, and taking joy at the thought of the violent deaths of people with whom they disagree.
[rolling eyes]
Indeed, Rand, and in between defenestrations we collude to subvert democracy and the Republic.
Do grown up men fake tears on camera?
Care to answer your own question?
But really this needs some citations:
I haven’t seen anything from Journolist to come close to the violent, racist vitriol from right wing commenters on this very blog.
Oh, citations are easy. Jim’s a leftist. Any dissent from the “progressive” (i.e., fascist) viewpoint is “violent, racist vitriol.”
In fact, this very comment is, I’m sure. Just ask Spencer “pick a conservative, who cares which one, and call them ‘racist’?” Ackerman.
These leftists (Jim included) are really hilariously funny. Or they would be if they did not control most media that most citizens encounter.
I am constantly confounded by the left’s characterization of disagreement as “violent, racist vitriol”. It’s like a toddler having a screaming fit because his mommy won’t buy him candy.
Some people habitually cling to moral fantasies as a distraction from their own failures and irrelevance. Now you can ask why the foregoing would not apply to me and I cannot say with complete confidence that it does not. However there are markers which should be of concern: anger, hatred, glee at the suffering of another (real or imagined) – and which should be a signal that one has lost their objectivity and should dial it back. Partisanship can become ugly and lead to what I describe as a layperson as mental illness.
in searching for a counter-argument, where someone with a very large audience, espousing liberal views was the object of a rather ‘ayn rand’-like fantasy death, I realized there is no one on the left who has such status.
the large reason is demonstrated by the journo-listers…
rather than incorporating their views, privately, into a unique brand, they perform a mind-meld and vomit out the average of their group-think.
I know limbaugh is largely a conservative’s conservative, but there probably will never be a liberal’s liberal. No surpise to see the liberal cavemen gathering in agroup around their fire.
as for the particular producer…
her replacement would just be a clone, her removal would be like lifting a grain of sand off the beach. Better to keep her on her job, if only to represent the station in toto.
O’Reilly’s OUTTAKES? I don’t even like the man… and I think he’s wrong most of the time, even though he’s not technically a lefty… but good grief, they’re called outtakes for a reason…
As for Spitz, she happily shared her bloodthirsty self-discovery with hundreds of people, many of whom she did not know, all of whom were presumed by her to share her worldview and hatred of Rush L.
The right is tame, showing only outrage at what we perceive is destruction of what we love and care for. The left is vile, disgusting, sick, hateful, vicious, racist, homophobic, everything they claim we are, THEY ARE.
You are.
Here’s a big difference between Limbaugh, Savage, Beck, and the “right wing” posters on Rand’s site, and all those Journolisters. Limbaugh and company do it in the open and publicly. The journolisters were preening themselves as honest journalists, but were secretly espousing hate, government attacks on the first amendment (close down Fox) and slander (calling various conservativefs racists) to help them advance their political agenda.
What we really need is for someone to go back and find out if correspondence shortly before the cultural revolution in China contained such musings as Spitz gives us. Perhaps those sentiments weren’t serious, either, except that once the revolution came, they actually acted them out.
Spitz occupies a privileged place in journalism. Her ideas need not be marketable, only approved by the powers that grant her station their subsidies. It would be interesting to discover if her show could actually survive on its own (as far as I’m aware, the man she attacks has a show that can). I predict it wouldn’t last on pure market demand alone, but I’m willing to be proven wrong. Lets run the experiment, eliminate tax subsidies to NPR and other media and see how long they survive.
“I haven’t seen anything from Journolist to come close to the violent, racist vitriol from right wing commenters on this very blog.”
Wow, Jim. You really are a colossal clown. If it weren’t for the fact you provide a prime example of the dangerously loopy people currently running the government and the press, I’d demand you get banned for the personal attack. Instead you are panned.
“We disagree with them, they hate us” Dennis Prager.
Did people note the pathetic examples that Jim posted of what he considered “violent” and “racist”?
Hey Jim. Buy yourself a dictionary sometime, because those examples were not violent nor racist.
The fact that Jim so quickly jumped on those items though, shows just how obedient a party-line thinker Jim is. All strong dissent and resistance to The Party is automatically equated with violence and racism. As Big Brother says, so shall it be. Thoughtcrime must be stamped out!
Free market principles are “morally equivalent” to throwing someone through a window.
Yes Jim, cockroach is an analogy… hiding from the light. These guys want to claim to be patriots and objective observers when they are neither. They hide from the light in collusion to smear good people with lies. I apologize for offending cockroaches.
Okay, Jim. Give just 1 (one) example of a racist statement made by anyone on this list, ever. Provide the full context, and the full statement. But just give us *one.*
What I find interesting about the violent comments is that they demonstrate a total lack of a “social filter”. I would not feel comfortable, in a conversation with my closest friend, saying those things about Michael Moore, whom I thoroughly dislike. The idea of putting such thoughts in writing, and then sending it out to a list of 400 or so strangers – wow! What kind of person does such a thing? A punk, that’s who, and a punk who damn well knows that the people reading it won’t be offended enough to respond heartily. The whole story is sad and amazing, but the lack of outrage from journalists and other liberals is very telling. It almost leads one to conclude that such conversations amongst these people are common.
As for those who try to turn the tables by referring to conservative talk-show hosts as racist – please. Can we grow up?
If Sarah Spitz was dying I would piss on her head.
I wrote in the heat of the moment without consideration to the impact my words would have. We’ve all said things we didn’t mean and don’t reflect our core values. That was the situation in this case.
You buying this?
At all?
Didn’t think so.
Stupid, baised journalistic b!tc#. She showed her true colors, that’s what she did.
And the rationalizations to defend her are themselves morally indefensible and so typical of liberal enablers and defenders not wanting to come to terms with their own hatemongering.
Here’s yet one more piece of evidence of how liberals engage in psychological projection in order to demonize conservatives of the very things “enlightened” liberals think and do themselves! Freakin’ hypocrites, and double-standard hypocrites at that!
Spitzy needs to find a job more commensurate with her intellect and abilities….like wiping people’s asses down at the $h!t house
Have you ever heard NPR’s Left Right & Center? It’s actually not a bad show, but it is THREE leftists against one Righty. Their normal panelists are Tony Blankley (right) vs. Bob Scheer (left), Arianna Huffington (left) and JMatt Miller (left). They only describe Bob Scheer as left through. John Podesta is described as center and Arianna Huffington as from the “independent progressive blogosphere.” It’s the perfect microcosm of NPR, and a reason I would never ever send them money during their pledge drives. They obviouslyhave enough rich lefties supporting them that they can get away with three to one, and call it balanced. I’m not a bit surprised about Sarah Spitz.
Good show because of Tony Blankley, but Ariana is the worst kind of cocktail party liberal that I detest, and Bob Scheer needs to be put in an institution. Yelling doesn’t make you right, Bob.
Sean Hannity losing his sense of smell is high on my fantasy list, ever since Armstrong and Getty mentioned it.
Uhh, I think we should give the general manager Jennifer Ferro a pass on this one due to extreme hotness.
Ah-hah! You see? More proof that right-wing-tea-baggers want to set people on fire!!!111
Equating loss of status (your own or your tribe’s) with a physical threat requiring violent retaliation is pretty primitive stuff. “If that Red Tribe expands their territory, we’ll have less fruit and they’ll carry off our potential mates. Let’s start talking about throwing them onto the sharp rocks and watching them die.” 50,000 years ago, that was a reasonable response.
Except if the Red tribe does start carrying off their mates, maybe they’ve got a point. Ackerman may just be puffing out his chest for display within his own tribe. Spitz? Well, who knows what the mating rituals are over there.
Did people note the pathetic examples that Jim posted of what he considered “violent” and “racist”?
Umm, no, because I didn’t post any. Stay tuned.
Yes Jim, cockroach is an analogy… hiding from the light.
I recommend a viewing of the fine film Hotel Rwanda. It only takes a couple hours, will confirm any negative opinions you might have of the UN and the French, and hopefully will help you resist the temptation to call your political enemies “cockroaches.”
Okay, Jim. Give just 1 (one) example of a racist statement made by anyone on this list, ever.
Here are a few, all from the same thread:
Wow, are you predictable.
Hate to break it to you, sport, but Muslims are not a race. It was an ideology (Islamism) that was being described. Substitute “Nazi” with such sentiments, and would you still call it racist?
And I find it both amusing and pathetic that you had to dig back four years, to find one post. If that’s the worst you can do, I’ll stand it up to the JournoList any time.
There are a large number of people who I would pass by in the street if they were having a heart attack if I knew who they were, and also refuse the use of my phone to anyone else who wanted to help them.
I don’t know any of these people except two – both have at one time or another been handling (incredibly inefficiently when I badly needed help) my account at the bank. All the rest are in the same profession. The only people in that particular “industry” I would help are those with no authority at all.
One more thing. As I suspect do many others, I now consider it inevitable that sooner or later there will be a mushroom cloud somewhere in the West. Let’s hope the bad guys do us a favour and arrange for it to be over Wall Street.
So…we need to let this go because their heart is in the right place. Not their Judeo-Christian heart, the other one.
hopefully will help you resist the temptation to call your political enemies “cockroaches.”
Jim, being that you twist language so well you must be familiar with the concept that words are not just their denotation or connotation but are a means of communication. In order for communication to occur, all parties involved must have some agreement on meaning even though using such a very flexible concept as words. Often this leads to misunderstanding.
Since I have not seen that film and have no intention of seeing that film you are an idiot to think I must be using cockroach in whatever sense that film does. However, hiding from the light is a very common analogy for cockroaches and it is reasonable for me to assume you might be familiar with it… especially after I explicitly point it out.
I stand by the analogy of hiding from the light and will add run for cover whenever exposed. Some things you can put down to stupidity or ignorance. In your case, it’s intent which makes you culpable. Culpable being the perfect word to describe you: Deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious. I’m providing the definition just in case you have another movie for me.
Ah yes, Rush=world domination based on a violent religion. How did I miss that?
” Let’s hope the bad guys do us a favour and arrange for it to be over Wall Street.’
And how do you expect me to pull the trigger on my Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ) positions?
So Sarah Spits,,,is an idiot and a fool. She probably thinks of herself as an intellect! Right! I pray to God she has no off spring to pass her hate onto. I cannot think of one person I hate that much nor do i want to. She is not a nice person, probably never was and never will be. I always felt that people who had these horrible thoughts usually encounter much pain and suffering in their lives. Apparently she is already suffering. Shame on her! Another Liberal Louse.
“I haven’t seen anything from Journolist to come close to the violent, racist vitriol from right wing commenters on this very blog.”
Hey Jim, fuck you. You are a shitbird.
“Here are a few, all from the same thread:”
Actually, here are none at all. These are references to individuals who chose to adopt a particular ideology, one which demands that its adherents behave in a certain way.
It has nothing to do with the practice of ascribing a set of thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors to each and every person of a given race. That is what racism is. And I have never seen an example of it in these pages.
Try again.
I see that watching Hotel Rwanda has become the Concerned Liberal’s latest equivalent of the medieval hair shirt. They don’t really care about what happened in Rwanda, they just care that they can tell their fellow Concerned Liberals how much they cried watching a movie about it. And then they went online and called some conservatives “racists” in a comment thread, and after that the cleansing was complete.
Actually, it turns out after looking up the film to remind myself, I have seen the film ‘Hotel Rwanda’ although I don’t remember the details. Does this mean I can’t use the cockroach analogy? Hmmmm… Nope, doesn’t mean that at all.
You see, it really doesn’t matter how some other people use a word. What’s important is what I intended to mean and if the words I use are capable of providing that meaning.
Liberals like to own words and restrict their use by others. They do it constantly. I’m afraid I must resist. Ya know man, like a fighter for freedom and liberty and stuff like that…
Jim is in some ways the antithesis of the circle of pot smokers muttering incoherently in a cloud of cosmic understanding.
He twists meaning to incomprehensible and assigns meanings that don’t exist. Inadvertently, he does provide some positives however…
For example, by virtue of their upbringing anyone could let slip some unintended racial thoughts. My parents and most of my family are from Brooklyn, NY which is a very racially divided part of the world. In Jim’s research to show us how racist we are, he has all but proved just the opposite. So thank you Jim.
Epic phail Jim, even for you.