Playing the role of Inspector Clouseau was Tom Vilsack, a former two-term governor of Iowa, who briefly was an active 2008 presidential candidate. For all of his executive experience and soaring ambition, Vilsack and his henchwoman, deputy undersecretary Cheryl Cook, made every wrong decision in a reign of error that produced Sherrod’s forced resignation. In fact, Cabinet secretaries should be given a wrist bracelet with the initials WWTVD (“What Would Tom Vilsack Do”) – so they can be certain to do the exact opposite during a future personnel crisis.
Heckuva job, Tommy.
The country’s in the very best of hands.
And as Ann Althouse notes, just how weak is Obama? So weak that the mere fear that someone might be discussed on Glenn Beck is enough to get them fired.
Sadly, of course, Vilsack isn’t an outlier.
Meanwhile, this gang is making the American people miss Bill Clinton and George Bush. Hell, he makes me miss Jimmy Carter.
Even more sadly, the gubernatorial prowess here in Iowa after Vilsak left didn’t get much better, and the prospects for this year’s election are once again a false choice between an incompetent incumbent and an over-blown former governor from the 90’s.
When is someone finally going to pass the law to add “Neither of these bums” to the ballots for all elections? And, I mean a legitimate “Sorry, try again!” option, not just “Well, Nader isn’t as bad as either of these guys, so here I go, wasting my vote on a third party.”
Carter, and Nixon…..Bammy is the tide, rising the status of all other Presidents.
For the love of all that’s holy, not J-Cart. The only reason he’s still around is for the coming zombie apocalypse.
Dubya? Meh; it’s still been too soon for me (and I voted for the guy). Clinton? I would definitely take him over Obama, especially if Willy gets to replace all the idiots Barry hired.
Carter? Never.
Since we’re dreaming, why not wish for the second coming of Barry Goldwater? 🙂