Professor Jacobson is waiting for apologies:
And while we’re at it, how about Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer apologizing for calling health care protesters “un-American”; and Harry Reid for comparing opposition to Obamacare to opposition to ending slavery; and Sheldon Whitehouse for invoking Kristallnacht and comparing health care opponents to white supremacists; and Alan Grayson and his groupies for saying Republicans wanted patients to die; and the Southern Poverty Law Center for serving as a tool of the Democratic Party by branding legitimate political opposition as racist.
And while we’re at it, how about all those who have elevated the use of the race card to the central tool in the Democratic Party arsenal, thereby tearing at the fabric of this country…?
If I were Breitbart, my response to demands for an apology would be, “After you.”
The queue on the other side is long indeed and reveals no signature of motion…
“After you.”
Exactly. Give no quarter. Since the media won’t do its job the people need to get in their face and demand apologies. Not expecting to get any, but the fire must be held to their feet.
Pelosi and Hoyer wrote that “Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.” And you think they should apologize for that?
No, they should apologize for being selective in their outrage, not really believing it, and using it as a cudgel against only their political opponents. I’ll bet they didn’t think it was “un-American” when the drowner outers were opposing BUSH!
Hey everybody. I think that General McChrystal should get a “do-over” on the basis of the press taking remarks out of context.