… is dissipating pretty quickly:
But when asked by CNN Chief National Correspondent John King what she would say to Breitbart, Sherrod did not dance around the question.
“I’d tell him he’s a liar. He knew exactly what effect that would have on not only – he knew what effect that would have on the conservative, racist people he’s dealing with. That’s why I started getting the hate mail. And that’s why I started getting the hate calls. He got the effect he was looking for,” Sherrod said on John King, USA.
And is Sherrod willing to forgive Breitbart?
“[H]e would really need to come and sit down with me and look me in the eye so that we could see if we can find a place,” Sherrod said. “I’m not saying I won’t forgive him, but we would need to see if we can find a place where that can happen.”
Emphasis mine.
If I were Breitbart, I’d tell her to go pound sand.
President Palin should dismantle the whole ag department.
As well as at least a dozen other departments.
It passeth understanding by what provenance Shirley Sherrod came to be, for Breitbart, the retaliatory exemplar of black-on-white racism so warmly appreciated by members of the NAACP who were honoring her for her service to her race.
Her victimhood at the hands of the USDA, her subsequent recompense and appointment to that agency, detailed at The Examiner, make interesting reading. The left will milk her for every droplet of political propaganda they can wring from her, just as she, her husband and members of her land trust, legitimate or il-, have been milking the system.
In the mind of leftists like Mrs. Sherrod the word “racist” always accompanies the word “conservative” even when they don’t say it aloud.
Ayn Rand once called racism the most primitive form of collectivism. ObamaNation combines the primitive with the more sophisticated,
So you don’t think there are any racists who would get fired up by the Breitbart tape? Or do you think Breitbart is so naive that he doesn’t realize those people are out there?
“So you don’t think there are any racists who would get fired up by the Breitbart tape? Or do you think Breitbart is so naive that he doesn’t realize those people are out there?”
So you think Breitbart should have squelched the tape because it might inflame some racists?
Classic Jim.
You mean the racists who fired her? I mean, since those were her actual “damages”, that’s the one that counts…
Although on second thought (something Jim should indulge in every once and a while), it occurs to me that some racists probably did get fired up by the Breitbart tape. I’m thinking of the ones in the ranks of the NAACP.
Jim, you mean racists like Sherrod?
Apparently the tape fired up the Obama Administration. They couldn’t even wait until 5pm EDT. I’ll admit, I’m a knave. I had no idea Breitbart could yank the Administrations racism response that fast. If Breitbart knew, he’s a genius.
Sometimes it’s funny to watch an idiot pounding his face against the wall, and at other times it’s just sad.
Idiot Jim’s comment above is just sad.
So you think Breitbart should have squelched the tape because it might inflame some racists?
He should have refrained from publishing it until he’d seen the whole thing. Publishing a misleading excerpt, knowing that it would be catnip to bigots, earned him every bit of the scorn that Sharrod expresses above.
He should have refrained from publishing it until he’d seen the whole thing. Publishing a misleading excerpt, knowing that it would be catnip to bigots, earned him every bit of the scorn that Sharrod expresses above.
What about the claims that tea party members yelled epithets at Congressional Delegates. Where is your scorn for those claiming tea partiers are racists, while not seeing all the videos that show no example of racial comments or activity? Where is your scorn, Jim?
From the whole video:
You know, I haven’t seen such a mean-spirited people as I’ve seen lately over this issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried. Didn’t it surface? Now, we endured eight years of the Bush’s and we didn’t do the stuff these Republicans are doing because you have a black President.
Some people see disagreements about policy purely as racial issues. It doesn’t matter to people like Shirley Sherrod that Republicans came to Congressional power in 1994 by fighting the socialization of US health care against a white President, despite claims to the contrary by Toni Morrison. Republicans will come to Congressional power again for fighting the socialization of US health care, and once again, it has nothing to do with the color of the President.
Shirley Sharrod is not demon or angel… but she speaks, in context, as a racist. There’s always a bigger context.
It was your side who sewed this ill-wind.
So please, stop whining and take ownership of your brand new whirlwind.
Jim says:
You mean the racists that were in that NAACP audience? I heard plenty of racists in that audience cheering Sherrod’s racist treatment of a white farmer.
Have you heard of the involvement of Saint Shirley in the Pigford Farms case? Click my name for more.