..from the Chicago Sun-Times, over Blogo. I wonder if that’s just the indictment talking, or if they’ll come around on the other empty suit that they sent to the White House?
6 thoughts on “Buyers’ Remorse”
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..from the Chicago Sun-Times, over Blogo. I wonder if that’s just the indictment talking, or if they’ll come around on the other empty suit that they sent to the White House?
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I believe they could dump Obama as soon as the day comes when they can confidently intone that they they hate his white half just as much as they hate the black one. Of course, being racism-obsessed lefties, that day will never come.
Yet when the time comes, the odds of them endorsing anyone but a Democrat are about the same as that Northside National League team winning the World Series this fall.
And they are astonished… how? Anyone with half a brain and a 10th grade education could figure the guy out. All they had to do was read. And observe. And do a bit of basic term-paper research.
But then, this is the Lamestream Media so thinking and observing – and doing a bit of basic research – is beyond its collective ability.
They knew what kind of guy Blagojevich is. Everyone did. They were OK with him as long as he functioned as a reliable machine Democrat. But when he got caught and had to resign he changed from net asset to net liability, so the Left abandoned him and now pretends that this wasn’t the Blago they knew etc. It’s always like this, and will be the same with Obama if they ever turn on him.
Edmund Burke, “there were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters’ Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all.”
Far more important.
Reading the article just gets me angry. They fail at their job. All of them everywhere. Then says, “the people of Illinois – that would be us.”
Yes, the people are responsible. But until they look themselves squarely in the mirror, they have lost all rights to point fingers at anybody except themselves. They need a good kick, until they start really doing their job. WE need to be doing that kicking.
The mere fact that Daley is still ruin-, er, running Chicago should be enough to involuntarily commit over half the population of Illinois to a mental ward. It would certainly help keep messes like Blago and Obama from repeating themselves.