Now Lanny Davis is joining in the chorus of Those From Whose Eyes The Scales Have Fallen:
Helen Thomas, who I used to consider a close friend and who I used to respect, has showed herself to be an anti-Semitic bigot. This not about her disagreement about her criticisms of Israel. She has a right to criticize Israel and that is not the same as being an anti-Semite.
However, her statement that Jews in Israel should leave Israel and go back to Poland or Germany is an ancient and well-known anti-Semitic stereotype of the Alien Jew not belonging in the “land of Israel” — one that began 2,600 years with the first tragic and violent diaspora of the Jews at the hands of the Romans.
If she had asked all Blacks to go back to Africa, what would White House Correspondents Association position be as to whether she deserved White House press room credentials — much less a privileged honorary seat?
Two points. OK, three. First, and this is a general point, not just to Lanny, but all those who thought that Helen Thomas was a friend. With all due respect, if you (and all the others who profess shock) are surprised at this, you are an idiot. I was completely unshocked. Of course, I was also completely unshocked that the president has proven to be both a massive redistributor and destroyer of wealth , indifferent to the interests of our friends and solicitous to those of our enemies, and (fortunately) utterly incompetent at carrying out his ultimate goals.
Second (or first point and a half). If Lanny thought that Helen was his friend, it was only because she was a Democrat, and generally (with a few interesting exceptions) carried the water for the Clinton administration, for which he was one of the chief butt boys.
Third point. There is a bizarre flaw in his logic. If one wants to draw an analogy with blacks, it would certainly not be a call for the latter to go back to Africa. Africa, is, after all, whence the blacks (for the most part, ignoring Australian aborigines, etc) actually came. A similar call for Jews to go to their homeland would be for them to go to…wait for it…Israel. Last time I checked, neither Poland or Germany were their ancestral homelands. Those were places to which they were forced to go to be oppressed, and then murdered en masse, after the Diaspora.
First Markos, and now this. Does no one on the left understand anything about history or geography? Even about their own people?
[Monday morning update]
Some Muslims are more equal than others:
I realize that nine Islamist activists who love to sing the evergreen “Death to Jews” — really, innocent folklore in those regions — killed by Israeli soldiers is an act without comparison in the world. It is the lowest and vilest thing that happened since the Holocaust. How dare they kill peace-loving Islamists who sing innocent lyrics like “Death to Jews”?
Still, think about what happened there in China. An astonishing 140 Muslims killed by the Chinese police. Okay, it’s not like nine killed by Jews, but it’s pretty bad.
Nah, it’s no big deal. Chinese, after all, are not Jews.
Godzilla, while I’m not going to utterly disagree with you, I do want to point out that Jews were living in Israel all along.
Wikipedia isn’t a particularly good source to share, but it is a convenient one. See this link:
The Old Yishuv (Hebrew: היישוב הישן, ha-Yishuv ha-Yashan) refers to the Jewish community that lived in [Israel] from the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE to the First Aliyah in 1881, prior to the onset of Zionist immigration.
Heh, this link has a different spin — cites higher population numbers, suggests a greater political presence.
This is not a good example because it’s not a generally held secular belief, but it does show how modern science can confirm biblical history.
…historian Shlomo Sand in his book “The Invention of the Jewish People” [suggests] that Jews have no common origin but are a miscellany of people in Europe and Central Asia who converted to Judaism at various times
I don’t keep a list of these examples, but I run into them constantly over a wide field of issues.
As far as their right to Israel… I don’t understand why they give back territory they won from aggressors. I say it belongs to them with no apologies (it would be a different story if they were the aggressors which they are not.)