4 thoughts on “Happy One-Year Anniversary”

  1. I’m greatly looking forward to the end of his career.

    Specter’s political demise would not be a magic bullet. 😉

  2. “Specter’s political demise would not be a magic bullet.”

    No, but it sure would feel good.

  3. I am continually amazed at voters who re-elect these self-serving morons. How he remained in office when he flipped the first time confuses me. But his current numbers show that a number of PA voters are still willing to keep this double dealing slug.

    Must be sumpin’ in the water? OR,
    “…this is not the double dealing slug you want to vote out of office…”,
    as spoken by a Jedi Master working for the DNC. Wait…not a Jedi, a SITH!!

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