Of one thing you can be sure: when the GOP takes power again, they will do the same thing they’ve done since Reagan: cut taxes for businesses and the wealthy, and make only token gestures at cutting the programs that spend most public money (Social Security, Medicare and defense). The voters will vote for cutting rich people’s taxes, but they won’t support cutting their own benefits, and the GOP knows that — which is why they posed as defenders of wasteful Medicare spending in the health reform debate.
You don’t think Republicans will cut taxes across-the-board, like they did via Kemp-Roth?
If the GOP is too gutless and the Dems to power-greedy to cut Medicare and SocSec (both vital instruments to get people to vote Dem), what’s our best choice?
Or are you like the Moties from Niven and Pournelle’s The Mote in God’s Eye – taking for granted that the cycle of rise, near-extinction, and rebirth for granted?
Since 47 percent of the people don’t pay income taxes, about the only tax cuts you can give are for “the rich.”
Actually, you can generate more tax revenues by cutting the marginal rates and capital gains rates. Those are proven to stimulate the economy but since only “the rich” pay taxes, the Democrats would rather stiffle the economy by stoking class envy as demonstrated by Jim above. Stupid is as stupid does.
An across-the-board tax cut would affect those who incomes woudl be taxable without factoring in the Earned Income Tax Credit.
The Dems are like the loan shark in the original Rocky film. The shark wanted Rocky to go to a guy who owed him money and break a finger as a warning. Rocky disobeyed, rationalizing that the guy needs his hands to work so he can pay his debt. The Dems want to break the fingers (productivity) of businesses big, medium and small and collect taxes from them at the same time.
Since 47 percent of the people don’t pay income taxes, about the only tax cuts you can give are for “the rich.”
The federal income tax is just one tax among many. You could cut some of those other taxes, which tend to be regressive, and help the non-rich.
Actually, you can generate more tax revenues by cutting the marginal rates and capital gains rates. Those are proven to stimulate the economy but since only “the rich” pay taxes, the Democrats would rather stiffle the economy by stoking class envy as demonstrated by Jim above.
Which must explain why revenue and growth soared after Bush Sr. and then Clinton raised marginal tax rates. Stifle the economy, indeed.
“You could cut some of those other taxes, which tend to be regressive, and help the non-rich.”
You mean like VAT, which some people on the left seem to be putting up trial balloons for?
‘”There is a growing awareness of the need for fundamental tax reform,” Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) said in an interview. “I think a VAT and a high-end income tax have got to be on the table.”‘
Did any of you read the article? It’s a waste to argue taxes. People will get behind a cut in spending. This was Ross Perot’s point and he was doing well until his meltdown. While people don’t want cuts in programs where they receive money/benefits, once a case has been made that there will be no money they will get behind a restructuring like Fred Thompson proposed for social security.
It’s a waste to argue taxes.
Which must be why Jim is … arguing taxes.
“You could cut some of those other taxes, which tend to be regressive, and help the non-rich.”
Yeah, they could repeal the healthcare bill and get rid of some of those new regressive taxes.
And as Darkstar pointed out, they could oppose any attempt to impose a VAT tax, or at least do so until an amendment is passed outlawing the Income Tax. They could even make it an amendment that outlaws the Income Tax while enacting the VAT.
I should also note the repealing the healthcare bill will also cut spending, so that really is an easy one.
Of one thing you can be sure: when the GOP takes power again, they will do the same thing they’ve done since Reagan: cut taxes for businesses and the wealthy, and make only token gestures at cutting the programs that spend most public money (Social Security, Medicare and defense). The voters will vote for cutting rich people’s taxes, but they won’t support cutting their own benefits, and the GOP knows that — which is why they posed as defenders of wasteful Medicare spending in the health reform debate.
You don’t think Republicans will cut taxes across-the-board, like they did via Kemp-Roth?
If the GOP is too gutless and the Dems to power-greedy to cut Medicare and SocSec (both vital instruments to get people to vote Dem), what’s our best choice?
Or are you like the Moties from Niven and Pournelle’s The Mote in God’s Eye – taking for granted that the cycle of rise, near-extinction, and rebirth for granted?
Since 47 percent of the people don’t pay income taxes, about the only tax cuts you can give are for “the rich.”
Actually, you can generate more tax revenues by cutting the marginal rates and capital gains rates. Those are proven to stimulate the economy but since only “the rich” pay taxes, the Democrats would rather stiffle the economy by stoking class envy as demonstrated by Jim above. Stupid is as stupid does.
An across-the-board tax cut would affect those who incomes woudl be taxable without factoring in the Earned Income Tax Credit.
The Dems are like the loan shark in the original Rocky film. The shark wanted Rocky to go to a guy who owed him money and break a finger as a warning. Rocky disobeyed, rationalizing that the guy needs his hands to work so he can pay his debt. The Dems want to break the fingers (productivity) of businesses big, medium and small and collect taxes from them at the same time.
Since 47 percent of the people don’t pay income taxes, about the only tax cuts you can give are for “the rich.”
The federal income tax is just one tax among many. You could cut some of those other taxes, which tend to be regressive, and help the non-rich.
Actually, you can generate more tax revenues by cutting the marginal rates and capital gains rates. Those are proven to stimulate the economy but since only “the rich” pay taxes, the Democrats would rather stiffle the economy by stoking class envy as demonstrated by Jim above.
Which must explain why revenue and growth soared after Bush Sr. and then Clinton raised marginal tax rates. Stifle the economy, indeed.
“You could cut some of those other taxes, which tend to be regressive, and help the non-rich.”
You mean like VAT, which some people on the left seem to be putting up trial balloons for?
‘”There is a growing awareness of the need for fundamental tax reform,” Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) said in an interview. “I think a VAT and a high-end income tax have got to be on the table.”‘
Did any of you read the article? It’s a waste to argue taxes. People will get behind a cut in spending. This was Ross Perot’s point and he was doing well until his meltdown. While people don’t want cuts in programs where they receive money/benefits, once a case has been made that there will be no money they will get behind a restructuring like Fred Thompson proposed for social security.
Which must be why Jim is … arguing taxes.
“You could cut some of those other taxes, which tend to be regressive, and help the non-rich.”
Yeah, they could repeal the healthcare bill and get rid of some of those new regressive taxes.
And as Darkstar pointed out, they could oppose any attempt to impose a VAT tax, or at least do so until an amendment is passed outlawing the Income Tax. They could even make it an amendment that outlaws the Income Tax while enacting the VAT.
I should also note the repealing the healthcare bill will also cut spending, so that really is an easy one.