Thoughts on the EPA’s extortionate power grab, from Jonah:
If Jackson cares so much about sound science, why is she basing some of her policies on data from the discredited scientific frat house, the Climatic Research Unit?
If Jackson cares so little about politics, why did she make her announcement to such fanfare at the opening of Climapalooza in Copenhagen?
In fairness, Jackson is only a Medusa’s head to those who care desperately about economic growth and who don’t think draconian taxes on energy and massive wealth transfers for white elephants in the Third World are the answer to our problems. But for others, she represents another icon from Greek mythology: the Golden Fleece.
Jason and his Argonauts set out to find the fleece so they might place Jason on the throne of Iolcus. The original story is one of power-seeking in a noble cause.
It’s debatable whether the modern tale of Jackson and the Goregonauts is quite so noble. But it’s obvious they’re interested in power and hell-bent on fleecing.
It’s what all their policies are about.
[Update a few minutes later]
Also, read Dr. K on the new green socialism:
One of the major goals of the Copenhagen climate summit is another NIEO shakedown: the transfer of hundreds of billions from the industrial West to the Third World to save the planet by, for example, planting green industries in the tristes tropiques.
Politically it’s an idea of genius, engaging at once every left-wing erogenous zone: rich man’s guilt, post-colonial guilt, environmental guilt. But the idea of shaking down the industrial democracies in the name of the environment thrives not just in the refined internationalist precincts of Copenhagen. It thrives on the national scale, too.
On the day Copenhagen opened, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency claimed jurisdiction over the regulation of carbon emissions by declaring them an “endangerment” to human health.
Since we operate an overwhelmingly carbon-based economy, the EPA will be regulating practically everything. No institution that emits more than 250 tons of CO2 a year will fall outside EPA control. This means over a million building complexes, hospitals, plants, schools, businesses, and similar enterprises. (The EPA proposes regulating emissions only above 25,000 tons, but it has no such authority.) Not since the creation of the Internal Revenue Service has a federal agency been given more intrusive power over every aspect of economic life.
But that’s just a coincidence. They’re just trying to save the planet, that’s all.
And more on the religious fanaticism:
…while research grants push the global warming agenda, the initial impulse is religious. (Presumably most priests believe in God before their jobs depend upon doing so.) Freeman Dyson, by consensus one of the greatest physicists of the past century, attacks not only the “sparseness of our observations and the superficiality of our theories [about global warming ],” but also the underlying “worldwide secular religion of environmentalism, which views man as an unwelcome interloper in some imagined natural equilibrium.”
In the name of that religion, writes George Will, “communicants in the faith-based global warming community,” who imagine themselves to be a “small clerisy entrusted with the most urgent truth ever discovered,” are asking the rest of the world to wager trillions and hand over a substantial part of their freedom to governmental and intergovernmental bureaucrats.”
Have to pay the tithe to the priesthood.
Ah, shades of Countdown to the XPRIZE Cup, 2005…
The above post was intended for the Desert Hurricane story. Let’s see where this comment winds up…
They actually managed to impose a tax on breathing. We produce CO2 when we exhale. The next step, of course, is to reduce the amount of people exhaling by population control…
Then well see reports of the dangers of 2nd had carbon dioxide inhalation. Not only is breathing another person’s filthy CO2 disgusting but it is endangering everybodies life and well being. So, go put a sack over your head or something. In fact, I’ll refuse to patron a restaurant or bar that doesn’t have a non-CO2 section. /snark off
*insert 2nd-hand
“The next step, of course, is to reduce the amount of people exhaling by population control…”
The Dog’s next step was to catch the Car. We all know how that worked out.
Be careful what you wish for eco-nuts.