What He’s Really Hiding

Frank J. says that the birth certificate issue has nothing to do with Kenya:

…while Obama’s original birth certificate has never been made public, Hawaii has issued a certificate of live birth that declares Barack Obama to be a forty-eight-year-old man. Usually I’d consider something like that official enough, but evidence has mounted that’s made me doubt it. First it was his weakness on foreign policy. Then there were his complaints about Republican opposition. Next was just how easy he is to push around. Finally, there is his whimpering about Fox News. Now, I think we owe it to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers to analyze Obama and ask ourselves: Are these the actions of an adult male or a whiny, sissy little girl?

This is an important question, and we should treat it seriously. Now I know partisan hacks are going to scream, “He’s not a little girl! Shut up shut up shut up!” But the evidence is devastating. Just look at Obama’s foreign policy since taking office. As enemies like Iran oppress their people and move towards obtaining nuclear weapons, does he strike back against them forcefully like any real man would? No, that’s too scary for him. Tough talk like that would make him hug his dolly. He just wants to talk and be nice so no one yells at him.

He even tried inviting Iran to a barbecue. That sounds a lot like a sissy little girl too afraid to stand up to people. Any day now, he might invite Ahmadinejad over to play house with him. Obama even took missile defense out of Eastern Europe because he didn’t want people getting all angry — just the sort of thing a little girl would worry about. For wimpy actions like this, Norway awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize, which is basically a prize awarded to people in recognition of them being dainty little girls.

Tut, tut, tut. Such disrespect of the Commandress-in-Chief.

I have to agree with many of the commenters, though. This is insulting to little girls everywhere.

12 thoughts on “What He’s Really Hiding”

  1. Hmmm. I would suggest that a real female at the helm would be an improvement. Don’t forget Kipling’s poem, “The Female of the Species.”

    “When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
    He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
    But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
    For the female of the species is more deadly than the male. …

    “When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws,
    They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws.
    ‘Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale.
    For the female of the species is more deadly than the male….”

    Most young girls are sissys because they’ve been trained to be that way. Be careful of the ones who haven’t. 🙂

  2. This is insulting to little girls everywhere.


    My wife, for one, would not be amused. Iran should consider itself very luck that she doesn’t have her finger on the Big Red Button. Even when she was a little girl it would have been toast.

  3. God knows I wasn’t (and still am not) a supporter of Hillary… but she certainly would have exhibited more testosterone in office than our current Commander in Chief.

    Elections have consequences.

  4. Yes, as we all know Democrats are always weak on foreign policy and soft on crime. I used to hear the same about Clinton. If bombing Serbian TV live during broadcast is soft I do not want to know what hard is.

  5. The Serbs were widely regarded as unpleasant white male Christian Nazis who hadn’t done anything to us personally. They were easy to bomb. On the other hand, when it came to Muslim fanatics who screamed “Death to America!” daily, not to mentioning killing quite a few of us over the years, it took ages of vacillating to get Clinton to blow up a tent and a couple of their goats.

  6. Hey, I’m a girl!

    And I’m more of a man than Bambi is.

    Godzilla, this is not about DemoncRats or Clintoon – this is specifically about Obama. Try to keep up.

  7. There was an article out of Britain quite a while back now that appears to have nailed it IMNSHO.

    Where he was born is really irrelevant – he wasn’t raised here. He spent formative years going through a variety of schools that were probably quite weak on American History. And had a dim view of Western Civilization.

    The African Elite despise the British and the French as colonial powers. They find “Benevolent Dictators” as the idea governmental form – even if they occasionally use “just words” on the page as convenient props.

    The stupid interpersonal issues seem to highlight all of this. The President received a pen set carved out of one of the most decorated anti-slavery raiders of the British. He gave them a set of Region 1 DVDs. The first kids received classic, custom, handmade British outfits. His return gift was a couple of Marine 1 models. From the Whitehouse guest shop.

  8. Your site isn’t even amusing with crap like this Rand.

    Then why do you continue to come here and post idiotic comments? Are you a glutton for punishment? Do you ever wonder why other people (like Popular Mechanics, or The New Atlantis) don’t publish your blathering?

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