4 thoughts on “We’re All Felons Now”

  1. A yearly test for judges to maintain their position on the bench based on random textual details of the written law without recourse to law clerks, libraries or the internet.
    Suddenly there’d be a very strong push for conciseness in the criminal code.

  2. Well after all rand, no one of “quality” would be bothered by those little laws. Its just to keep the serfs in line.


  3. It’s also advantageous to a totalitarian government, if every little action can in some way be made to look illegal. Remember there were people in the gulag for NUMEROUS and REPEATED Minor Offenses against the State.

    Sadly we may have to take up machetes against the law makers before we can take a whack at the code of ignorance they’ve created for our “protection”. They won’t do it because we demand it, not anymore anyway.

    Dictators most often “protect” the populace to death.

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