The Baucus Bill

“A fiscal fantasyland.”

That’s actually a pretty good description of the District of Columbia in general.

[Update a few minutes later]

The drug pusher in DC:

An initial bailout of state governments eases their pain and makes them feel better for a little while, after which they’re going to crash without another fix.

It’s all part of the goal of making us all dependent on them.

3 thoughts on “The Baucus Bill”

  1. Philosopete’s got the right idea, alright. We have to do it ourselves or it just won’t get done. Period. Of course, that would mean people in the suburbs and exurbs would have to help people in the cities. Hmm… well, I don’t see *that* happening any time soon cuz the folks out there in the burbs moved there to get *away* from the people in the cities.

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