Food Fascists

…in California:

The state is in fiscal collapse, so the California legislature is doing what it does best–finding new things to regulate….

…If it becomes law, AB 627 would require low-fat or skim milk to be served to children 2 years old and older. It would limit sugar in cereals and eliminate deep frying and sweetened drinks. It also would establish an 18-month pilot project to evaluate stronger nutrition and physical activities standards.

What’s really appalling about this is (like many legislative mandates) it’s based on junk science. I’m aware of zero evidence that childhood obesity is caused by whole milk (or dietary fat in general). They should definitely try to reduce the carbs, but I think that kids’ biggest problem is lack of exercise. If they moved more, they would burn off the sugar, the way we did when we were kids.

9 thoughts on “Food Fascists”

  1. >.. I’m aware of zero evidence that childhood obesity is caused by whole milk ..

    I beleave the opposite is true – I beleave I remember a pediatrician warning that the fact yuppies are not giving children whole milk is stunting growth and causing other problems.

    Once again, reality is not politically correct.

  2. Complex animal fats, and cholesterol in particular are essential for the development of the brain and nervous system. Making a taboo out of dietary fat is a huge mistake, as has been documented over and over.
    Here’s a reference for the nervous system fat requirement:

    A starchy, low fat, low protein diet is known to produce mental confusion and listlessness. It’s part of a systematic approach to brain washing. I wonder what these legislator’s real motive is.

  3. Yeah, the ban on whole milk made me sick. There is no food more perfectly designed to feed growing bodies and minds than milk. Does the “reality based community” think that evolution got it wrong?

  4. This is why my own children are provided for at an unlicensed day-care, otherwise known as being raised at home with my wife, their mother.

  5. Complex animal fats, and cholesterol in particular are essential for the development of the brain and nervous system. Making a taboo out of dietary fat is a huge mistake

    Unless the goal is a less intelligent populace.

    Sadly, more and more there are times I almost think tinfoil might make a good hat.

  6. Drinking skim milk is stupid. The caloric difference is so small as to be inconsequential. Milk is mostly water by weight. The extra fat content in milk helps the body absorb the minerals and vitamins present in it.

    Now cheese is heavy on calories and fat and should be avoided. Unfortunately I like cheese too.

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